24. Bandits.

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Over the next few weeks of spring and into the early days of summer Frosino continued to bring Y/N with him to the stables. She became comfortable around the horses, and Frosino began teaching her how to ride.

She was frightened that because of her lack of skill, she would fall right off the horse and break her neck, but her worries about falling lessened greatly when Frosino showed her the saddle that she would be using. It had three sides to it, and on the fourth side, there was a small column. He told her that it was called a side saddle that had been specifically designed for the ease of riding in long skirts as most women did.

As Y/N sat in it she realized that it was actually very comfortable, rather like a chair had been placed on top of the horse. She hooked her leg around the column on the saddle and found that she was actually pretty secure.

Y/N was a fast learner, and after only a few lessons she was able to accompany Frosino on his trail rides through the mountain. It was becoming a new favorite pass time, and the pair enjoyed few things more than going riding through the beautiful wilderness together.

The Archduke and his ward could be found one that bright summer afternoon engaged in a heated race on the winding road that lead down to the small village of Crivell.

"I'm going to beat you today!" Y/N called merrily from atop the black mare she was riding. "Be ready to eat my dust old man!"

Frosino laughed heartily at her words and replied in a voice filled with mirth, "well you best be prepared because this old man is not going to be a gentleman and let you win today!"

With those declarations being made, the pair increased their pace. Both were greatly enjoying the sporting good nature of the competition. With the warm summer air being cooled by the wind caressing the riders skin as they flew along the trail and the fragrance of rich soil and mountain pines filled their noses.

Being the far more experienced rider, Frosino quickly pulled ahead of Y/N and to the lead in the race. The girl tried to keep pace with him, but he eventually disappeared from sight.

After Frosino had gotten a ways further down the mountain road, he reined in his steed and slowed down to a gentle walk. He intended to wait there until Y/N caught up with him, but something caught his eye a little further down the trail.

Moving towards it to investigate, he had a jolting realization of what it was. It was the small mangled corpse of a child. The body had obviously been there a long time as the face was unrecognizable and it was impossible to tell what gender the child had been. The only distinguishing feature remaining was a few strands of white hair.

Frosino let out a sigh at the sight, all the previous gayety drained from him. Unfortunately, these mountains were used as a highway for slave traders who would bring their cargo of stolen children from the north down through the mountain range and into the marketplaces of Luccia and Mahiegh where they would then be sold.

Such practices were not allowed in the Archdiocese of Crivell, but there was not much that Frosino could do to stop the traffickers from passing through the mountains. The terrain was so volatile and dangerous that it was impossible to guard it effectively. The hash conditions claimed many of the lives of the people who tried to traverse the mountains, including the young child that he had discovered.

Wanting to protect Y/N's innocence and keep her from seeing such a morbid thing, Frosino rounded on his horse and began to return up the road that led to the castle. After several moments, Frosino and Y/N were reunited.

"We shall have to end the ride here, There were some wolf tracks crossing the road and they seemed pretty fresh," Frosino stated, tried his best to sound casual and not give away what he had truly seen. "Let us return home."

"You are just saying that because you knew that I would beat you," Y/N teased, but never the less followed Frosino back up the mountain road.

. . .

Frosino and Y/N had both returned to the stables inside of the castle grounds and were currently occupied in grooming their horses. All was peaceful until Y/N felt the call of mischief and flicked some water from a nearby trough at Frosino.

He shook the water from his eyes then began to chase the giggling Y/N around the stables. The girl stumbled over an uneven bit of the flooring which allowed Frosino to catch up with her. He pounced on the H/C girl and pinned her to the ground. "I got you. You thought that you could get away with that didn't you, little bandit."

A hint of mischief sparked inside Frosino's indigo irises as he began to tickle Y/N, and the girl shrieked with laughter. The two continued to play-fight on the floor until the sound of someone entering the stables startled them.

"Where are you, dear cousin?" Ilidoro called in a sing-song voice as he looked around the barn. Ilidoro stopped short as his gaze fell on the two people currently in the barn.

Frosino hastened to get to his feet to greet his cousin. He cleared his throat, "What do you require from me, Ilidoro?" Frosino asked, immediately returning to the persona of the stoic Archduke, but his intimidating aura was less effective seeing as he had several pieces of hay tangled in his raven hair.

Ilidoro placed his honey-colored hand over his mouth and looked as though he was trying his very hardest to contain his laughter. "It is news that I think you shall find quite interesting, but alas, it is not something for young ears."

Frosino sighed before he stated, "oh, very well. Just be quick about it." Turning to Y/N he said: "Please excuse me, Ilidoro does not enjoy talking about his insecurities in front of lovely ladies like yourself."

"Rude! You know that I don't have any insecurities!" Ilidoro cried dramatically as the two men left the stables and walked towards the castle.

. . .

Frosino sat in his plum-colored armchair is the library as Ilidoro wandered around the room aimlessly. The Archduke cleared his throat, "what was it that you wanted to discuss with me, Ilidoro?"

"You hear many topics of interest when you live in the palace," Ilidoro began, smirking at his cousin. "All sorts of things and I happened to catch wind of something particularly interesting."

"Let's hear it then," Frosino stated, growing tired of his cousin's games.

"The king of Luccia is planning to send some of his diplomats on a three year trip to the empire beyond the sea, I thought that it would be the perfect way for you to establish international connections, and have the chance to see more of the world," Ilidoro said with a grin. "I remember how badly you wanted to travel, but your late mother and father never let you leave the safety of this castle."

Frosino chuckled, "what use is it for me to establish foreign ties when the Archdiocese has more than enough already? You brought this up solely because you want to go, but do not have the title to do so."

"Ahh cleaver as always, dear cousin," Ilidoro lamented. "Alas, I can only go on this marvelous vacation if you bring me as your guest."

"And how would I manage such charity when I myself am not going?" Frosino asked mockingly. "I, unlike you, have responsibilities that I must look after. Everything of value to me in with the Archdiocese, why would I ever desire to leave?"


Perhaps the corpse on the side of the road is not a stranger, but someone who we all know and love dearly, or perhaps not, who can say for certain?

Trust me when I say that Frosino and Ilidoro do actually care about each other. It may not seem that way, however, they both know that they know each other better than anyone else.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Street Mouse [Yandere Archduke x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now