♡ Part 5: i guess you are ♡

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sasuke: um... no, she's not my girlfriend

sakura smirked 

sakura: but you like her right?

sasuke: -looking down- nice joke 

she looked down but then a thought popped into her head

sakura: are um.....

sasuke: just say it sakura

sakura: -nervous- are w-we friends?

sasuke looked at her and thought

'are we friends.... are we actually friends?' 

sasuke: i guess we are......

they both smiled at each other. sakura couldn't believe her eyes..... a genuine and bright smile from sasuke. that wasn't a usual sight to see....

sakura: im glad i saw it

sasuke: saw what

sakura: your genuine smile

sasuke eyes widened and a light tint of pink appeared onto his pale cheeks. it was easy to see that he was blushing

he looked down

someone opened the front door and came in.

itachi: sasuke i'm home early

sasuke looked up and smiled 

he got up to hug his brother but once itachi walked in, he noticed the pinkette right away.

itachi: well sasuke i never knew yo-

sasuke hit his brothers arm

sasuke looked at sakura

sasuke: she's my friend

sakura got up and greeted itachi and smiled

'i guess she is my friend.....'

sakura: hi i'm sakura haruno, nice to meet you

itachi smiled

itachi: i'm sasuke's older brother itachi

sasuke: okay big brother itachi, you can leave now

itachi: hold on, i wanna get to know her 

sakura smiled

'wow they really look alike....'

sasuke gave itachi an annoyed look and itachi nervously laughed

itachi: okay well, i'll be taking my leave.... it was nice seeing you sakura.

sakura: you too itachi

itachi gave them one last glance until he finally took his leave

sasuke: should we call it a day?

sakura: o-oh um sure. 

she walked towards her stuff and started packing

sasuke then got a call, it was karin


sasuke: hello

karin: sasuke-kun are you busy

sasuke: i was.... but i'm tired right now

karin: can i come over

sasuke's eyes widened

sasuke: i--- no

he then returned to the emotionless boy he always is

karin: o-okay.... bye

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