♡ Part 52: what kushina wanted ♡

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everyone took their leave and headed to the hills. to put it simply, they were pretty much a large family. the people who went were hinata, kiba, ino, neji, tenten, kushina, minato, kakashi, sakura, shikamaru, and naruto. they all happily made their way to the hills and started skiing although shikamaru seemed nervous which made naruto laugh hysterically. 

shikamaru: don't be troublesome naruto

sakura, naruto and shikamaru went onto the ski lift together. shikamaru looked down and saw how high they were while naruto couldn't stop laughing. to naruto and sakura, this was a piece of cake even though sakura wasn't that great. but for shikamaru, it almost seemed like he was asking for death to fall upon him

sakura: calm down shikamaru, you'll be fine

she chuckled but it didn't calm him down at all. they eventually reached the top and they were about to jump but shikamaru refused to. eventually, sakura decided to push him and once she did, she would never forget the yell that came from the Nara boy. they all skied happily and naruto and sakura went on many rounds together as they dragged shikamaru along with them.

naruto: are you tired yet sakura

sakura: a little

naruto stopped on his tracks and shikamaru bumped into him

naruto: let's take a break

shikamaru: finally

he quickly ran towards the amazake area and naruto and sakura chuckled

naruto: did you and sasuke figure things out?

sakura looked down and thought about what happened the day before she left. 

sakura: he came over yesterday and told me he understood. 

naruto chuckled knowing that it must've killed sasuke inside to admit he was wrong. they got to the amazake area and took a small break. after that, shikamaru decided to call it a day while naruto and sakura went back to skiing. they went up on the ski lift and once they jumped down, a loud grunt was heard from naruto. sakura quickly looked over to see naruto tumbling down the hill and she gasped. He eventually stopped and was covered in snow. There he was on the floor, holding onto his leg. 

sakura: n-naruto!

she quickly went towards him and noticed his pain filled face. she looked down to see his hands clutched onto his ankle. 

sakura: let's go to kakashi

she tried helping him up but she couldn't get a grip over him. 

naruto: my ankle...

sakura: hold on

she looked up and saw kakashi staring at them a bit confused. she signaled him to come and so he immediately made his way there. he saw naruto on the floor as sakura stared at him worryingly

sakura: i think he sprained his ankle

kakashi: i think so too

he picked naruto up and sakura helped out to bring naruto to a safe area. once they did, kushina gasped and quickly made her way to her son along side minato

kushina: naruto, what happened?

she watched naruto hiss in pain as he still clutched onto his ankle. minato drove them to a nearby hospital where they found out he had a sprained ankle

naruto: so i can't ski anymore?

sakura hit the back of his head

sakura: of course not you giant idiot

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