♡ Part 87: the swing ♡

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she didn't know how she should feel. she didn't know what was right at this point but that simple fact only made her groan through annoyance and throw her notebook that was on her lap onto the edge of her bed. emerald eyes traveled towards her bedroom window as a sigh escaped her soft lips. 

she was currently trying to write her poem but all she could think about was the kiss herself and naruto shared together the day before. 


her kiss with naruto was different than the kisses she shared with sasuke. 

she looked down to her notebook and saw that the page was empty, but there was just a title written down. 


she sighed again and dug her face into her hands as her legs rested in their crossed form.  she continued to think about past events that occurred in her odd life. 

she had enough of her unproductiveness and so she stood up from her bed and quickly began to change her clothes into something that was good for the current weather. once she finished, she ran down her stairs and headed to her front door and slipped her ankle boots on. 

sakura: kakashi, i'm going on a walk!

she yelled across the first floor of her house to get the attention of her beloved kakashi

kakashi: okay! while you're at it, go to the grocery store and bring home some tomatoes. 

there was a pause

sakura: okay

her voice somewhat trailed off even with that single word and she closed the front door shut once she exited. with her head drooping down and eyes slightly narrowed from her thoughts, she walked in a slow manner and headed towards the nearby grocery store to retrieve what she had been asked to get. 

with every step, another memory would begin to linger in her head. she didn't like the fact that things were so different than how they were just a few months ago. she barely ever spoke of how she's been feeling lately because she just didn't know what to tell them---- although she knew everything was beyond her reach. 

sasuke and naruto were beyond her reach even though they were so close. 

sasuke was practically wherever she was, but he seems so far that it's almost like he's not even there. naruto is always with her, but because of the way he's been acting, he seems like he's far from the person he'd been for almost all of sakura's life. 

they were far and way beyond her reach for her to extend her hand to them. 


itachi: you'll catch a cold

the younger raven faced his back to his older brother and avoided his commentary. itachi was a caring person, probably more than what was actually good for him. although sasuke didn't feel like right now was the time where he deserved that kind of care. 

sasuke: i'll be back before sun down


the door closed and itachi sighed. his brother had always been well composed and barely ever shared his true feelings. but there was a time where he did begin to open up---- and that was when he was with sakura. sakura was the reason why sasuke began to open up and for all the years sasuke had been alive, itachi had not once ever witnessed sasuke smile the way he did when he was with sakura. 

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