♡ Part 30: dumb reasoning ♡

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sasuke: mr and mrs haruno...

he caught the attention of everyone at the table.

sasuke: to put it bluntly, you left her and now all of a sudden believe that it's okay to come back and take her from everyone

sakuras eyes widened

kakashi: ......

kakashi would've said something, but what sasuke said was all too true. if he was being honest with himself, he didn't want sakura to leave either. if anything, none of it made sense. as much as he didn't want to admit it, but it's true... kakashi has become closer to sakura than to her father. it goes to show how much he actually loves and cares for her

mebuki: an outspoken bo--

sasuke: she was left alone with kakashi-sensei. and now that she's made bonds tha--

sakura stood up and left. 

mebuki: sakura....

sasuke got up and went after sakura

kakashi awkwardly smiled

kakashi: teens y'know


she walked to her room and closed the door behind her. she sat on her bed and thought about what her parents and sasuke said. even though sasuke was right, they were still her parents. how could she leave them just like that

sasuke soon came into her room and saw her sitting on her bed. the little amount of light that the moon glimmered through her window was the only form of light in the room. he walked over to her and sat next to her. not in a million years did he think he would be there for someone the way he is now

sasuke: you don't have to go.

sakura: they're my parents--

sasuke: who left you

sakura: .....

sasuke: ......

sakura: give me some time please

sasuke: don't tell me you're actually thinking about it

she sat there silent.

sasuke: you have everyone here with you. kakashi sensei won't say it but i can tell he doesn't want you to leave either. that dobe would cry and bother me everyday about you. and i..... i can't lose another person who's important to me

 she looked into his darkened eyes to only see that he was serious

sakura: how could i say no to my parents

sasuke: the same way naruto yells at me when i ask for some of his ramen. 

they both tried being serious but neither of them could help but laugh

sasuke: none of us want you to leave.... we're family too

sakura: but they're my parents

sasuke: but i'm in l---

kakashi: your parents are gone

sakura looked at kakashi and sighed

'thank god they're gone'

sasuke thought to himself and stood up

sasuke: i'm gonna sleep

sakura: oh okay. hey kaka---

she stopped talking as she noticed the odd look that kakashi had

kakashi: i don't want you to go

he leaned against the wall and felt himself stumble over his own feet. she chuckled and quickly got up to hug him. he hugged her back. 

sasuke: so i give you a whole speech but he gets the hug... that sneaky weasel

sakura: you use the word weasel a lot 

she smiled and they got ready for bed. she laid down and thought about everything. it's been 5 years since she has seen her parents. things have changed, not only that, but she's made bonds that she thought she would never make. she loves her parents, but she doesn't know if she's willing to leave everyone behind.... just like how her parents did

she soon fell asleep but sasuke still laid down and stared at the ceiling

'what could she be thinking. if that dobe was here, he would've begged her to stay'

he smiled to himself and soon fell asleep.

NEXT DAY (October 24th)


he sat in the class alone near the window. he stared outside and felt the cold breeze hit his face as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the silence. the last few days have been a little too much for him. one thing after another and it just made him forget how nice it was to enjoy the view of outside alone. 

but of course, his peace was disturbed by someone. the person walked in and immediately stopped on their tracks. the raven haired boy turned his head to the door, to see karin just standing there. 

sasuke: karin...

she looked the other way and sat in the classroom, far away from sasuke. if he was being honest with himself, it felt weird letting that happen. its odd how a person could like someone to the point where once their name is mentioned, your insides start tingling..... but then you go from that to not even talking to each other and feeling nothing once their name is mentioned. Crazy right?

Silence filled the air as none of them talked to each other. Soon after, naruto came running into the class panting. Both the red head and raven head looked over to naruto and he oddly smiled

Naruto: sakura is gonna kill me

Sasuke: hmph. I hope she does

Sasuke smirked and headed to his desk with naruto. 

sasuke: what did you do

karin looked over to her cousin and sasuke. she realized that the moment sakura was mentioned, he started talking again. 

naruto: i accidentally slammed her locker door on her fingers

sasuke: dobe

the door opened wide open revealing a scary sakura

sakura: NARUTO

naruto knew it was over for him and then sakura came and attacked. sasuke chuckled as he watched them fight. as they fought, the bell rang and class started. naruto quietly put his head down on his desk after being defeated by sakura. although sasuke never knew how vicious sakura could be.... but quite frankly, he didn't really mind it


sasuke walked over to his locker and a small letter fell out of his locker. he picked it up and opened it. 

"i'm sorry for getting in between you two - window face"

he realized who it was once he read the nickname but he couldn't care less about her apology. if she was saying sorry for him, then he really couldn't care. he wasn't being cold, it's just that she was now a person of his past and saying sorry now won't do anything. and it's a dumb reason to apologize for if you literally took them away from everyone just to do it. 

he walked towards the trash can and threw the paper into it. he walked to school with sakura in the morning but he wasn't going to walk home with her because herself and naruto had to get to her place a little earlier than usual. 

he walked to her place alone...

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