♡ Part 48: undying love ♡

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kakashi: now tell me what's wrong

naruto took a seat at his living room couch and he made himself comfortable. all of his friends were out. they invited him to join although something had been on his mind and he had to let it out. the first person that came to his mind, was kakashi. little do people know that as much as naruto bothers kakashi and in return, kakashi picks on naruto, they were still very close. quite frankly, after sakura, naruto was the closest person to him. 

kakashi sat down next to naruto and gave him a cup of amazake (special japanese rice drink *sweet and warm*). he let naruto take his time and he could tell that naruto seemed bothered by something

naruto: is it wrong for me to feel this way

he questioned his sensei but more so questioned himself. 

kakashi: sakura, right?

the blonde boy nodded his head and kakashi leaned back

kakashi: well, no one can tell you to not like her. 

naruto: i know, but she is my best friend and is dating my other best friend y'know

kakashi:  you have feelings for her that are very strong. it might even be stronger than sasukes but the thing is, your feelings shouldn't make you feel less faithful to them. sasuke may not realize it now, although he will realize one day that you are the best friend that he had never asked for, but was happy that he got. naruto, you're a strong boy. and sasuke and sakura would kill to have you back in their lives if you left. 

naruto: i just.. don't want to be a burden y'know

naruto looked down feeling his emotions get the better of him

kakashi: if you were a burden, sakura would've let go of you long ago. you know her just as well as i do, sakura isn't the type to make someone a burden to her. not once has she done that to anyone so why would she do that to you... she loves you naruto

his head shot up at the last few words

kakashi: she loves you as if you were her actual brother. you probably wanted me to say that she loved you in the other way... but this is what it's come to. if your feelings continue, you'll only be hurting yourself. 

naruto: but i can't help it y'know..

his voice cracked as he exclaimed his feelings to his sensei. this was too much to bare and he couldn't help it. this wasn't what he expected. he loves sakura, he loves her so much he would die for her... literally. she is the girl whom he's loved since their childhood and it hasn't changed at all. he's been watching her for so long and he seen how much of an amazing girl she's become. it only made him fall for her even more and now..... now he's head over heels for her and it's too late for him to do anything about it. his undying love has become ineffective

kakashi stared at his student as he felt a bit of sadness reach his heart. seeing naruto like this really took a toll on him. 

kakashi: let's watch the hockey game that's on tonight, i'll make you some ramen

he patted his students head and walked over to the kitchen as he prepared him some ramen. naruto quickly wiped away the tears that dared to fall from his eyes and smiled. 

soon after, the two of them spent the rest of their evening together and watched the hockey game. 

kakashi: why didn't you go out with your friends

naruto: ichiraku's was full y'know. but your ramen is amazing..

he said with a full mouth of ramen in his mouth and kakashi smiled

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