♡ Part 116: his feelings aren't simple ♡

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2 WEEKS LATER (March 21st)


A week until her birthday and she couldn't be more happy than she was now. she was excited to celebrate it, and she couldn't take in the fact that time flew right before her eyes. 

things were looking up to say the least, and she was happy that she could continue her life in a place where she was surrounded by love and the people who were dearest to her. 

there was just one problem. 

sasuke hadn't spoken to her for the past 2 days and she didn't know why. 

she sighed and flipped through a page of her book, wondering what exactly her boyfriend could be doing as she sat in her living room alone while he was nowhere to be found. 


hidan: you're filled with shit! y'know that, right? 

shikamaru: i do know that, but stop talking and start looking. you're so bothersome. 

hidan playfully gasped and stared at his boyfriend with a fake, shocked face and tried his best to hold in his laughter── but it didn't take him more than two seconds to grin and wrap an arm around the boy who he dearly loved. 

hidan: you know i love you, right?

the nara embarrassingly shook his head and smiled even though he really did love it when hidan was sweet towards him. 

shikamaru: i do, what a drag. 

he rested his head against hidan's shoulder and allowed the air to settle in calmly, letting himself feel the love his boyfriend was giving him and in return give it back with his own embrace. sasuke stared at them for a moment and couldn't help but smile── they really did make a good couple. 

sasuke: did you get the ingredients?

he turned his body to the side and faced his best friend who recently came into his house with plastic bags filled with ingredients. the blonde boy huffed and ruffled his own hair after setting the items onto the kitchen counter. 

naruto: all of them, but how are we going to make the food if we don't even know how to cook? sorry to remind you, but your cooking skills are trash y'know. 

the raven slapped the back of his head and rolled his eyes. he strolled his way to the loads of groceries and began unpacking with naruto following up behind him to do the same. 

sasuke: that's why hidan is here, he's not that bad of a cook. 

naruto: you should have invited the girls too, i think they would want to help with sakura's birthday too. 

sasuke shook his head and narrowed his eyes as he scanned through numerous objects. 

sasuke: who's closer to sakura? us, or the girls? it's obviously us, hmph.

naruto: fair point. 

hidan and shikamaru stood up and made their way to the duo so that they could help as well. 

sasuke: itachi isn't home and neither are uncle obito or aunt rin, so you can say whatever you want. 

hidan: oh yeah!! after this, shikamaru and i are─

shikamaru: if you don't shut up─

hidan: ─are going to eat some cake together. see? it's not bad. 

little did shikamaru know that under the counter, naruto and hidan fist bumped due to the underlined perverted comment that shikamaru was too oblivious to catch onto. 

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