Love and War

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   Grant was ready for the concert. The crowd was roaring, his guitar was tuned, the TV cameras were streaming live ... oh, and Taylor was right by his side.

   It was the first time that Taylor would be singing her new song in a performance style. 'On Thin Ice' was a hit on  iTunes and shot up to number one almost instantly. Taylor was extremely grateful.

   "Can you believe this?" she asked when she first found out, her face totally illuminated with joy.

   "This is awesome!" Grant grinned. He had oh-so-casually put an arm around her shoulder. It seemed like he had been doing that a lot lately. He made a note to self to figure out another flirt move.

   Taylor sidled closer to Grant. He smiled like he always did when she was around. He also knew that she was ready for a pep talk. But before he could start, she started rattling off about the things that could go wrong.

    "What if I mess up?" Taylor asked anxiously. "What if I gargle my lines or - or miss the tune?"

   "You won't," Grant assured her. "You are going to do fine! I know you can."

   Taylor smiled and shared a quick hug with him. Grant's stomach kicked up with butterflies, but not because of the two-minute cue the cameramen had just called. Taylor had to be practically dragged away from Grant and onto her platform.

    "I'll be out there!" he called to her. She said something, but the fog machine had started and was being really loud so he couldn't catch it.

   Grant hurried out onto stage. The crowd got revved up even more, seeing her lead guitarist. Grant's fingers immediately went onto the starting chord's strings.

   "It was so perfect, the way we met. It was at a party, I thought to myself ... hey look at him." Taylor sang expertly, her platform rising up to the stage level.

   The girls went absolutely wild, cheering and calling her name. Bright posters with so much glitter you could hardly stand to look at were everywhere. Taylor looked around and Grant just knew that her butterflies were melting away.

   "You're doing great, princess," Grant murmured, hoping the message would somehow end up in Taylor's ears.

   Soon, the song ended and the girls were still cheering their heads off. Taylor and Grant exited the stage together. They were both grinning.

   "You were great!" Grant laughed. "I can't believe you were nervous!"

   "All thanks to you," she said, flashing him a smile. Grant winked at her. She ducked her head and blushed. There. Mission accomplished for flirtatious move. Winking.

   "Um, Taylor. There-there's someone here to see you," Liz squeaked, interrupting their conversation.

   "Who is it?" asked Taylor.

   "Me," Joe Jonas said, stepping into view from behind a curtain.

   Taylor inhaled deeply and Grant tensed up. What was he doing here? Grant was there for Taylor's break-up with Joe. It wasn't pretty. Who was he do think that he could just waltz in and say 'hello'?

   "Hi." Taylor said shortly.

   "I loved your performance," Joe smiled. "You're pretty pro."

   You're dang right she is! Grant wanted to yell at the top of his lungs. Instead, he masked his face and took a slow step closer to Taylor.

   "I wanted to talk to you," Joe said. "See, the Jonas Brothers are starting up again, and we would love it if you made a single with us."

   "A single?" Grant asked. Taylor turned to him with a relieved smile. She knew she had backup.

   "Yeah. It'd be just us and Taylor," Joe nodded curtly.

   Grant wasn't an idiot. He knew that Joe and his brothers could play the guitar, piano, and maybe drums. But he had a feeling something was up Joe's sleeve.

   "I'll think about it," Taylor said dismissively. Joe nodded and left backstage.

   "Are you going to do it?" asked Grant nervously.

   "No!" cried Taylor. "Of course not! I would never work with an ex."

   Taylor sighed and Grant knew she was tired. Taylor leaned her head on his shoulder. He smiled and walked Taylor over to the band bus. The screaming girls waving goodbye left them with happy ending memories.

   But little did Grant and Taylor know, that Joe Jonas would not quit without putting up a fight.

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