Love Will Come Through

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  To say that Taylor's mom was angry was a humongous understatement. She came storming in, steam almost coming out of her ears.

   "What do you think you're doing?" she hissed. "You can't call off the deal!"

   "I can!" Taylor protested. She felt Grant give her hand a squeeze of support. "It's my call now."

   "I think not!" laughed her mom.

  "I am!" Taylor cried. "I hardly wanted to in the first place and when I agreed it caused a lot of damage."

   Her mom jerked her away from Grant and brought her very close to her face. Taylor didn't flinch.

   "You are not giving up the biggest endorsement deal of your career for a boy."

   "This isn't just a boy," Taylor said calmly. "He is the - the most amazing person in the world. And I want to take it farther."

   "Talk some sense into her!" her mom barked to Caitlin and Liz who were standing nearby.

   They didn't do anything. They knew how important that Grant was to Taylor. Taylor's mother went over to the refreshments and indulged a little. Claire came rushing in.

   "I just saw!" she yelled. "What is happening, Grant?"

   Grant stood up shakily and pulled her aside. Taylor swallowed and looked around her uneasily. It was going to be hectic until this was all sorted out. She realized with a pang of dread that the media would be around closer than ever.

   "Taylor," Claire whimpered, coming over to her with Grant. "You aren't really ..."

   Taylor glanced at Grant. This was going to be tough, personally and plain regularly. Taylor and Grant hadn't any time to figure things out yet. She didn't know where to start or finish.

   "Yes," was all that Taylor could really answer. She knew where Claire's train of thought would end up.

   "I HATE YOU!" Claire screamed.

   It was unclear of who she was shouting to. Anyways, the message was clear to both Taylor and Grant. She was out of the picture. Temporarily, at least.

   "So is the deal off?" Kevin and Nick asked, coming over to where Taylor and Grant stood.

   "Yeah," Taylor said apologetically, ducking her head a little.

   "It's okay," Kevin smiled. "I know that relationships are tough. You should have some time to figure things out."

   "Definitely. And with Red taking off, including our own tour and album, we really shouldn't be doing this. No hard feelings at all."

   "Thank you!" cried Taylor, relieved that at least two people were on her side. She hugged the two of them and they left.

   But there was still one person yet to be confronted, and he was making his way over. Grant pulled himself higher and Taylor trembled a little but still tried to remain confident.

   "What the heck?" Joe asked Taylor, close to shouting.

   "Calm down," Grant growled.

   "Oh, I should calm down? Mr. Sparkle-eyes?" asked Joe. Grant and Joe sized each other up. Hopefully a fight wouldn't be on today's list of Things to Happen.

   "It's off. I told you," Taylor reminded him.

   "Oh no it isn't. You signed a contract."

   "That can be easily fixed!" Taylor said hotly. "I get it if you're upset, okay? I just can't do it."

   "Why not? Because you finally got a boyfriend?" Joe asked meanly. Taylor took a step back.

   "Someone a lot better than you," she told Joe. Joe took in a sharp breath. He almost looked sorry, but then he turned on his heel and went away.

   Taylor flopped on the couch. Grant slowly sat next to her. They looked at each other and smiled.

   "It's going to be okay," Grant grinned. "You just wait and see."

   They exited the Good Morning America set holding hands, not caring at all what the paparazzi had to think. They went on the band bus with everyone else. They sat on the couch, Grant's arm around Taylor. Nobody knew what to say.

   "Well," Amos said suddenly, "I guess things are different with you two, huh?"

   The group laughed and some chatter began. Taylor and Grant would, in fact, be a 'couple' now. They would keep it offstage and out of business.

   "Just in case any more deals come up," grinned Taylor. Grant shook his head and laughed.

   All in all, the band was totally fine with Grant and Taylor. Liz and Caitlin were absolutely ecstatic. The boys were quite amazed that the girls were right from the beginning, after all.

   "High school chemistry might be better than we know," Paul muttered.

   The band was back as a whole now, closer than ever. It was great to be as some sort of family again. Taylor drew herself farther back in Grant's arm. They shared a small kiss. Taylor felt like she was on top of the world. And she never wanted to leave.

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