Epilogue and Author's Note!

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   Taylor and Grant took their seats in the auditorium. The lights darkened and a spotlight was lit. Taylor grinned and squeezed Grant's hand. This was all too familiar.

   "Please welcome the graduating kindergarten class!" the teacher, Ms. Fret, said proudly.

   Taylor and Grant clapped and cheered as their twin girls, Susan and Alice, were led in line to the front of the stage. Ms. Fret went down the line and asked them all what they wanted to be when they grew up.

   "I want to be a popstar, like Mom!" Alice cried. Tears were brought to Taylor's eyes. Oh my goodness. That meant so much.

   "I want to be a guitarist, like Daddy!" Susan bursted. Grant took in a sharp breath. His little Susan.

   After the rest of the ceremony passed, Taylor and Grant were the ones that were applauding the most. They went to the stage and Taylor picked up Alice, and Grant took Susan.

   "You really want to be like me?" Taylor asked Alice.

   "Yeah! It's fun!" she nodded vigorously.

   "And you want to be a guitarist like me?" Grant asked Susan.

   "Yeah! I want to play the guitar," Susan said proudly.

   Taylor and Grant exchanged glances. This was too cute. But they also knew that if it they could do it, then their girls could, too.


   Authors note!!!

   Ahh. Well now my first Graylor fanfiction is over. I hope you liked it all and thanks for reading! This fic is called Loving Him is Perfect, and so I tried to make all of the situations pretty, well, perfect.

   I am going to make another one, called I Speak Now. You can sort of tell where this is going, right? ;) I'm going to try and encorporate some more real-life things, like Taylor possibly dating Harry Styles and new movies like Lincoln are coming out. (Who wants to bet Grant will drag the Agency to see that one with him? Haha.)

   So please look for that one and read it!!! I'm so excited that there are this many Graylor fans! I like, start freaking out sometimes when I see the pictures. It's just so cute!

   So as a final note on this piece ... Graylor forever!

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