My Love isn't Fake

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   Grant lay quietly in his bed, watching Taylor's shadow shuffle away and finally leave the bus. Grant sat up for a second, and then he flopped back down.

   The real, for truth story was pretty much this ...

   Grant lost Taylor somewhere in the crowd. He had just gone over to greet some friends of an old band, and when he looked back she was gone. He wound his way through the party, until he stumbled upon a model.

   "Are you that guitarist for Taylor Swift?" she asked.

   "Yeah," Grant nodded, smiling a little. He was still discreetly surveying the area to see her curly hair bobbing around somewhere.

   "Well, if you don't mind, I have a-a really big favor," she told him breathlessly.

   "Oh," Grant said, nodding his head. He assumed it would be an autograph for the slew of model girls or a connection to a guitar place or something. "Okay."

   "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend for an hour?" she asked hopefully.

   "Excuse me?" Grant asked a little loudly.

   "Yeah, I know. I understand if you can't do it," she whispered, hanging her head in defeat.

   Grant mentally kicked himself. He knew his conscious wouldn't let him get away from not helping her.

   "I'll do it," he said confidently. "One hour, right?"

   "Yes!" the model said, drawing herself to her full height. "Oh, and my name's Catalina."

   "Catalina," Grant said to himself, etching her name into his brain so he wouldn't totally fail if someone asked a question of him.

   Catalina and him walked awkwardly over to the gaggle of models. Grant noticed how awkward it got when Catalina put her arm around his shoulder.

   "Aw, are you her boyfriend?" asked a brunette model.

   "Yeah," he nodded cockily. "For now."

   All of the girls laughed, especially Catalina. Grant then saw Taylor.

   Oh. No.

   "I have to go for a second," Grant whispered to Catalina.

   "Okay," she whispered back. "But one thing," she said, beckoning him over to a table. "I wore this look on the runway and if Taylor wants it you can give it to her."

   Grant could hardly believe his luck. It was the exact outfit that Taylor had whispered to him about. It was a pretty bright yellow sundress with, um, some sort of heels and cool bracelets.

   "Thank you," he grinned.

   "No problem!" she laughed. They hugged (only because the other models were watching), and then he hurried to find Taylor.

   "You screwed up big time," Amos commented, walking into the bus. Grant sat up and pushed his curtains away from his bunk.

   "I know!" he said angrily. "Don't remind me."

   "Were you a man? Did you apologize?" Amos asked sternly. Grant looked down at his shoes.


   "Oh my gosh, man!" Amos said, shaking his head. Paul walked in, too.

  "Wow," Paul shook his head. "I never would've thought -"

  "Shut up!" Grant yelled. "And listen to my side of the story!"

  So Grant took them through his entire night. He told them about Catalina's favor and her reward, and how Taylor didn't know.

   "You still screwed up," Amos sighed.

   "Well, it's not that bad! I got her a outfit that hasn't been released yet!" Grant said defensively.

   "She can get that any other day!" Paul told Grant seriously. "If she really wanted to, she has the connections that could get her that look in an instant. You've heard her songs, Grant. What she doesn't have every day is a boy that is loyal to her."

   "Her viewpoint is -" Amos started.

   "Yeah, yeah I know. I was 'cheating on her' or whatever," Grant said sadly.

   "Not only!" Amos butted in. "Taylor now thinks she may not be good enough for you. Those girls were models, and she doesn't see herself as one. Taylor is very special, because her fame hasn't gone into her head. She still sees herself as sixteen-year-old Taylor Swift, who is moderately attractive and has an so-so voice."

   "She's more than that," Grant whispered. "To me."

   "Get her to know that!" Paul urged.

   At that moment, Taylor, Liz, and Caitlin walked in. Taylor trailed behind Liz and Caitlin, who had formed a sort of wall separating the guys from the girls.

   "Great," muttered Amos. "Let the war begin."

  Grant settled himself back on his bed. He caught Taylor's eye. He tried to make an apologetic face, but Taylor looked away quickly. And it was then Grant realized he would seriously have to fix this problem.

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