Love at Thanksgiving Part 1

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   Taylor peered around the corner to check for photographers. None. She breathed a sigh of relief. Being naive and just walking through the airport without checking was long behind her.

   She was going back to her brand-new home in Massachusetts. Cape Cod, to be exact. It was her band's Thanksgiving break, and it was time to relax.

   "Taylor Swift!" some girl shouted. Taylor spun around, trying to figure out where the voice came from. But it really didn't matter, since girls were swarming her everywhere.

   "Hey guys!" she smiled, taking in all of the pens and paper she could.

   "Can I have a picture?" a girl asked.

   "Of course!" Taylor grinned. As long as the paparazzi didn't show up, that was good with her.

   After almost half an hour (more girls showed up), Taylor said goodbye, and pretty much all of them got either a picture or an autograph.

   "Thank you," Taylor thanked the valet, who was waiting patiently by her rental car.

   "No problem," he said easily. He opened the door for Taylor, let her scoot in, and then closed it gently.

   "Keep the change," Taylor said, tipping him generously.

   He waved to her as she drove off. Taylor had gotten to know Cape Cod so it was like driving around Nashville. Easy.

   She made her way to her new house. It was white and big and impressive. Taylor gulped and parked in the large driveway.

   Her band was coming sometime between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. She would've been all alone, except her mom was here!

   "Mommy!" Taylor cried as she stepped into the warm, airy house.

   "Taylor!" she called, "I'm in the kitchen!"

   Taylor smiled and walked into the kitchen. It had brand-new appliances and beautiful countertops and cabinets. She could tell her mom was having a lot of fun.

   "Hi Mom!" she smiled.

   "Taylor!" she enveloped her daughter in a big hug. "You're a bit late, but that's fine. I've left a chocolate fudge recipe for you to do."

   "Okay!" Taylor chirped. She grabbed the thick card that was sitting on the granite. "And sorry I'm late. There were over three dozen fans at the airport."

   "And you gave them all a picture or autograph?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

   "Always!" Taylor replied indignantly. Taylor and her mom giggled a little.

   "And when are the band members coming?" she asked. "How many mouths will I have to feed?"

   "Well, Amos and Al can't make it, but I'm pretty sure Liz, Caitlin, Grant, and Paul are coming," Taylor said, frowning as she tried to remember.

   "And are they staying for the break?" her mom asked. Taylor stopped in her tracks for getting the chocolate.

   "Um, not sure about Paul or Caitlin, but Liz and Grant are for sure," Taylor told her mom.

   "So ... That'd be six, including you and me."

   "Yeah," Taylor nodded, concentrating on measuring the butter.

   An hour later, Taylor's mom was taking a nap and Taylor had just finished putting the fudge in the fridge.

  She went to her bedroom and sat down on the couch. Taylor looked out over the Atlantic Ocean.  It was so peaceful here. Taylor's phone buzzed.

   FROM : Grant <3

   MSG : Hey beautiful!

   Taylor smiled. She loved how Grant always kept tabs on her, even though he was still probably in D.C.

   TO : Grant <3

   MSG : Hi gorgeous!

   FROM : Grant <3

   MSG : You're home, right? How was your flight?

   Taylor giggled. He was so sweet.

   TO : Grant <3

   MSG : I'm home! :) The flight was okay. Not that bumpy thank goodness.

   FROM : Grant <3

   MSG : Ah good. Guess where I am right now?

   TO : Grant <3

   MSG : Starbucks?

   Grant didn't reply for five minutes. Taylor sighed. He was probably on the plane, getting ready for takeoff and he had to put his phone away.

   "Hey, princess," Grant said, leaning in the doorway.

   "Grant!" cried Taylor. "You're here?"

   Taylor scrambled out of the couch and leapt into Grant's arms. They hugged tightly for a minute or two.

   "How did you get here?" Taylor asked him excitedly, eyes shining.

   "Got the early flight," he grinned.

   Taylor closed her eyes and she let Grant kiss her. She couldn't believe her good luck that her amazing boyfriend was here a day early.

   "You know, we can always go to the beach," Taylor murmured. Grant smiled.

   "Mm, later."

   Taylor laughed and Grant kissed her again.

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