Love is the Right Answer

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   Taylor dragged her feet as she walked into the studio. She didn't want to be here. She wanted to be searching all of the corners of the world to find Grant and apologize. She wondered if he was with Claire.

   "Taylor! So glad you could make it!" Kevin Jonas smiled when Taylor walked through the door.

   "Hey!" she grinned (as cheerfully as she could).

   "We were just going over some lyrics," Joe said, not looking up from his paper sheets.

   Taylor put down her bag and her guitar awkwardly. The free wall space she usually put her stuff was being used by their own guitars. She noticed that they didn't even have Starbucks, at least.

   "What do you have so far?" asked Taylor.

   Nick began rattling off about what the lyrics were and what they meant. Taylor nodded and tried to pay attention. But her mind was really anywhere but here.

   "And the chorus sort of goes like this. Ohh ooh I love youuu! Baby maybe you love me too!" Joe sang in a less than catchy tune.

   "Great," Taylor said softly, rubbing her head.

   "And we were thinking of doing a rendition of Red," Kevin said.

   "Red?" asked Taylor. "Okay. Should I get some members of my-"

   "No." Joe interrupted rudely. "We can take care of the music."

   "Okay," Taylor said doubtfully.

   Joe took the electric guitar, Kevin took the bass, and Nick was at the drums. Taylor looked around uneasily. They started up and it was made obvious to Taylor that Joe didn't know the correct chords to the song.

   "Here," Taylor offered, "let me help you."

   "I'm fine," Joe said stiffly. "I can do this... especially if Crazy-Hair could do it," he muttered under his breath.

   Taylor whipped around to glare at Joe. Now she really didn't want to be here. They started again and Joe actually made it by. Except ...

   "Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes. Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go. But moving on from him it's impossible when I still see it all in my head ... In burning red!"

   Then it was time for the guitar solo. But Joe fumbled with the chords and he totally messed up. Taylor held her tongue, fighting the urge to laugh right in his face.

   "You okay?" she asked sweetly.

   "I'm fine," Joe replied bitterly. "I think these chords are weird, though."

   "Well Grant made them up," Taylor cut back. "And, you know. The best guitarist is the trickiest."

   Joe grumbled to himself and Taylor shook out her hair. She was still going to stick up for Grant. He deserved unending credit.

   The day went by uneventfully. Kevin and Nick seemed nice, but Joe was absolutely dreadful. Taylor was glad to leave the studio. She met up with her mom, who was now friendly that she got her way.

   "We've already gotten you a show," she smiled proudly.

   "An entire concert?" asked Taylor wearily.

   "No," chuckled her mom. "Just two songs on Good Morning America."

   "Great," sighed Taylor.

   "Is something wrong?" asked her mom.

   "I'm just tired," Taylor said softly. Her mom nodded and they hopped in her mom's car. She drove her back to the bus and then went to a motel herself.

   Taylor flopped down on Grant's bed. This was horrible. Nothing was working out at all. It wasn't even a good deal that she had fought for. She had lost someone for. She fell asleep dreaming of a peaceful beach and Grant.

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