Chapter 8

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"Your lover boy is coming to save you"

Baekhyun's heart bloomed with hope.
He knows his sehun will save him from this obsessive monster.

Suddenly chanyeol laughed like a mad man " you are so funny hyung. Look at your happy face. Do you really think sehun would save you"

Baekhyun gave a frightened look to chanyeol making him laugh more
"No one will save you from me hyung.
Get it into your pretty little head"

Baekhyun whimpered pitifully.
' please sehun, save me'

"Sehun is coming here with police.
You have to remain silent until they are gone. Can you do it for me hyung"

He looked at chanyeol with defiance
"Ofcourse you won't. Aren't you my little puppy who likes to disobey me"

Chanyeol moved to the dark corner of the room, he is searching for something. Baekhyun grew scared.

"Let's fix you hyung"

Soon Baekhyun is bounded with ropes and his mouth is sealed with gag.

"Aww! Look at you! So cute. Now wait for me, i will deal with your sehun".

Chanyeol's pov

That fucking sehun!!!
Why can't he understand that Baekhyun is mine!!.

He is really a fool.
I know he hired detectives to find me.
But that dumb sehun will never know that those detectives are working for me.

When my men announced me about sehun's plan i was really mad.
He can't take my baek away from me.

I could not help but laugh when I heard the knocking at my door.

I opened the door to the sight of fuming sehun and some police men.

"Here! He is chanyeol. He is the one kidnapped my Baekhyun!".

'his Baekhyun? How dare he claim my hyung as his'

I want to rip his head off but now i have to put a good show.

"What? Hyung is kidnapped?"

"Don't act like you don't know anything bastard! I know you are the one that stalked him and kidnapped him"

"I don't know what you are taking about. After hyung went to college i never caught the sight of him"

"You bastard! Officers let's search his house"

Fool. What he think he is?
I really hate him.

They searched everywhere around my house. Hah, idiots.

"Let's search the basement" it was sehun. I slightly panicked but composed myself.

If they ever find Baekhyun, i will kill them all, including sehun.
I would never let anyone take him away from me.

For their own sake let's hope they won't find him. I won't hesitate to kill.

After searching everywhere around basement they came defeated.
The look on sehun's face is hilarious.

I still don't know what my baek see in him.

"If you are a good boyfriend, hyung would not have left you"

His face reddened in anger. I laughed in my mind.

"I know you are the one took him.
I will take him away from you.
It's a promise"

After sehun left, i screamed
"I will kill him. How dare he? He think he can take my hyung"

I began to break things in my living room but nothing calms me down.
The only thing that can calm my anger is my sweet hyung.

I went to my basement and smirked.
Those fools searched the whole basement but missed a secret room where i kept my little puppy.

I opened the room to look at my tied up pretty baby. He was squirming.
The sight alone made me so hard.

"Little hyung" hearing my voice he began to shiver. His eyes pleaded me to release him.

"He left hyung and he won't come back. If he decided to search for you i will kill him".

Baekhyun cried. That sight is so pretty

I took the gag from his mouth and began to kiss him passionately.

My hyungs always taste so good.
I couldn't help but violate his sweet mouth. I opened his mouth forcefully and began to suck his unwilling tongue.

I started to undo my pants
"Pleasure me hyung or i will kill your bastard of boyfriend".

"Please chanyeol i don't want to do it"

"Do it baby." He looks hesitated.

"DO IT NOW!" I yelled.

He cried and began to move towards my cock.

"Kiss it hyung" i grabbed his head and moved him towards me.

He cried but did what i told him to.
When his lips touched me, it feels heaven.

"Suck me hyung" i moaned.

He began to suck me. I began to thrust into his little mouth, gagging him.

"That's it baby! You feel so good"

"My sweet little hyung"

I began to fuck his mouth vigorously
"You are mine hyung, i won't give you to anyone"

My release is nearing
"Swallow me puppy"

I released him, he looked disgusted but swallowed me. What a beautiful sight.

I kissed his mouth gently
"I love you so much hyung".

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