Chapter 27

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Baekhyun was happy and giddy. His face glowed with happiness. Finally he is going to see his parents. He hoped for the plane to move faster. He can't wait to go to his own place.

But the person who is sitting opposite to him was not happy. Chanyeol looked crestfallen. He was sad and afraid. He is not ready to let Baekhyun go. It's like part of him was wrenched away. He had half mind to stop the flight and return to his island, where no one can interrupt their life. But the happy look on his hyung's face changed his mind. He don't want to destroy the beautiful smile on his face


"Yes channie!!"

Baekhyun looked extra enthusiastic today. He can't blame him. After so long and many tortures he is returning to his old happy life, where there is no place for chanyeol.
All he wanted was a part in his hyung's life and love.

" Would you leave me after this?"

Chanyeol's heart thumbed painfully. His mind is yelling at him to not let of his little hyung. It's want him to chain Baekhyun to his bed post. But his heart is telling him to let go.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun with hope in his eyes. His mind is in inner turmoil. He longed for the plane to go slow, so that he can spend some time with his love.

Baekhyun can feel the despair in his voice. Chanyeol's sad eyes made him sad too. But he want to see his parents. He want to assure them that nothing happened to their son.

"Chan i am not going to leave you. I decided to give you a chance. I don't know if i love you or not but i know,
i can't leave you"

Chanyeol's heart calmed down after his hyung's reassurance. He hoped he took the best decision.

Baekhyun took his hand gently and stroked it.

" I promise you, i would never leave you. I will try to love you"

Chanyeol kissed his hand gently
" Thanks hyung. Thanks for giving me a chance, even though i don't deserve your love and affection"

Baekhyun gave him a cute smile. Soon they arrived at airport. Chanyeol cursed the pilot for making them arrive so fast. A car is waiting for them to take them to Baekhyun's home.

As soon as Baekhyun landed in his home town, wave of memories hit him. While riding car, he stared at the places where he used to hang out with sehun. Practically they visited every places in the town.

He thought about the life before chanyeol took him. How he is in love with sehun. He thought sehun is his destiny.

The betrayal of sehun is still fresh in his mind. He hated himself for blindly loving sehun. He never doubted sehun. Part of him still wanted to see sehun. Atleast for one last time.

Baekhyun was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice chanyeol staring at intensely.

Chanyeol hoped Baekhyun won't sway towards sehun. If Baekhyun wanted to be with sehun, he will drag Baekhyun to his island and trap him there for eternity. He won't lose to sehun for second time.

Even if he ended up destroying him and Baekhyun, he won't let his hyung get away from him.

"Sir we are arrived"

Chanyeol looked down at his hand. He don't have heart to leave Baekhyun here. But he promised Baekhyun.
Suddenly Baekhyun grabbed his hand and started to drag him outside of the car.

"What are you doing. Let's go"

"Hyung you should go. I will go to my home. "

Baekhyun gave him stubborn look
"We have extra room, you can stay here. Come Channie"

Chanyeol wanted to deny but he is not going to sacrifice this opportunity. May be he can convince baekhyun's parents and ask his hand in marriage.

He can prove them that he can take care of their son. He will make them realise how he is perfect for Baekhyun unlike the cheater sehun.

Delighted by his thoughts chanyeol rushed to baekhyun's house. Baekhyun saw how perked up chanyeol is, and chuckled
' well he is more exited than me to meet my parents'.

Baekhyun knocked on his door and waited for his parents to open the door. Baekhyun looked nervous but chanyeol looked more nervous than him.

Baekhyun teared when his mom opened the door. Mrs Byun stood there like a statue at the sight of her precious son.

"B.. Baekhyunnie!!!"


Mrs Byun enveloped Baekhyun in her arms and cried. Baekhyun too cried. He missed being in his mother's embrace.

" Baby are you okay? I heard what happened with sehun. It's all over the Television. That bastard don't deserve my baby"

"Mom please don't mention him anymore. I don't want to talk about him"

Hearing his name bought him happy memories and also sad memories.

" Sorry dear. It's just i can't take it easily. I miss you so much baby"

Chanyeol watched silently as baekhyun's mother pamper Baekhyun.

He wondered what will his own mother and father would do, if they saw him. His mother would give him numerous hugs. He kinda missed his mom and dad. Those phone calls are not enough for him. He also wanted to pampered by them.

Chanyeol smiled sadly as he watched the reunion of mother and son.
Mrs Byun poured kisses on baekhyun's face.

His mother would also do the same thing if she saw chanyeol. His mother have to stand in Tippy toes to kiss chanyeol's forehead.
' I miss you mom and dad '

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