Chapter 35

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Surprise update for chanyeollie's birthday.
Long live birthday boy 🎂🎂🎂

" You can see!"

Chanyeol froze for a moment. His heart trembling. He don't want to appear like a liar before baekhyun.

Baekhyun jumped out of chanyeol's arms and pointed a accusing finger on him.

" You can see right? You can see!!"

" Hyung i can explain..!"

Chanyeol tried to reach baekhyun but he moved away. Chanyeol's heart clenched with guild and fear. He feared that his hyung will leave him after this.

" I can't believe it!! You lied to me"

Baekhyun clutched his hair and began to cry. Chanyeol tried to comfort him but baekhyun swated his hand away.

He looked at chanyeol with hurt and betrayal. The look killed chanyeol inside.

"Hyung it's not like that..please don't cry"

Baekhyun laughed like a madman and cried. First sehun now chanyeol.
Why everyone is lying to him. What sin he did to suffer like this.

" I can't sleep at night because i felt guilty. I thought i was the reason for your blindness."

"I am sorry hyung"

But baekhyun continued with saddened voice

" I trusted you.. i thought you changed.
But you didn't. You are still a heartless monster.. you are a liar"

"You played me!! You played with my feelings. I shouldn't have loved you!"

Those words from his hyung's mouth shook chanyeol's heart. He don't know how to make baekhyun understand.
He can't live without baekhyun.

"Hyung don't say those words"

" Why did you lied to me! Why?"

Chanyeol looked down. He really messed it up. It's shouldn't have ended like this.

" I did it so that so will stay with me. I don't want you to go with sehun.
I am scared hyung.."

Baekhyun gave a disbelieving look to chanyeol.

" You didn't trust me! You doubted my love!! I fucking hate you! You bastard!"

Baekhyun tried to leave through the door but chanyeol blocked his way. Baekhyun glared at him hatefully.

"Let me go Chanyeol!"

"No no hyung please don't leave me.
I will die, if you leave me. Give me one chance. Please hyung"

Baekhyun laughed mockingly

" You don't deserve second chance chanyeol. I already gave you many chances. But you fucked it up. I can't stay with you anymore. Now move out of my way you bastard!"

Chanyeol grabbed his lithe arms and kneeled down infront of him. His eyes flowing with tears.

" Hyung please don't leave me.. i will do whatever you want. I won't lie to you ever again. Please hyung"

Baekhyun didn't move. He looked at begging chanyeol with unforgiving eyes.

"First you are a kidnapper, a rapist. Now you are liar too.. you took advantage of my love. You are a selfish person. I can't stay with you anymore. I hate you"

" You can't say you hate me hyung!!"

Chanyeol's sudden scream startled baekhyun. He looked at chanyeol who is glaring at him. He looked deranged and insane. Baekhyun began to fear him.

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