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V:Hello guys..So today is Thursday and i have only 2 days before Irene's birthday.I was given a camera from the staff to film my plan secretly so its only me today.And we usually film the show on Sunday/Monday /Tuesday or all so since today is not the filming day,i'll just record it by myself.

He shows to the camera the time on his phone which is 10 AM and he goes to prepare himself before heading out.Setting the camera on the table in the dressing room,he goes to his wardrobe to choose an outfit for the day.Taehyung wears a grey turtle neck and cover himself with another black long coat with a pair of black jeans.

After checking his appearance,he goes out of his dorm and enter his car driving somewhere alone.Not long after that,he calls someone through his phone and talk with him in a polite manner.


V:Hello and good morning,father in law..*shy*

FIL:Good morning my dear son in law..So do you sure you wanted to come here to Daegu?

V:Yup..Now is about 11 AM and i think i'll be there in about 2 PM?

FIL:Drive slowly and be careful~


With that short phone call,Taehyung sigh in relief after the short conversation with his father in law.He starts to talk to the camera and explain about his plan.

V:So yesterday after I sent Joohyun to her dorm,I call her father to ask his permission if i'll be able to meet him and Joohyun's mother without Irene so he agree and he gives their home address to me and today i'll meet them.Im kind of nervous though but for this birthday plan i'll do this..

Taehyung pulled into a fast food drive-through and ordered large sets of burgers and coke as a brunch.As he drives,he dance and sing enjoying the music to get rid of nervousness of meeting her parents without Irene.

Two hour has passed and finally Taehyung has arrived at Daegu city at 1:48 PM.As soon as he arrives at the city,he immediately type in the home address given by Irene's father on the GPS.

After about half an hour,he arrives at her house and he mentally prepares himself before heading in the house.With shaking hands,he rang the bell twice and wait for response.In several seconds,the door opened revealing his father in law welcoming him with a big hug.

Taehyung returned his hugs and he enter the house shyly.Not long after that,he meets his mother in law and hugs her as he did to his father in law earlier.They sits in the living room and Taehyung starts to make the first move by talking to them.

V:Hello I'm Kim Taehyung,Joohyun's husband..Just call me Taehyung..*smiles*

His parents in law just smiles at their handsome son in law and greet him in return.

V:Its my first time meeting mother in law though so i'm kind of nervous actually.*chuckles*

MIL:Noo..Don't be.I have seen you a lot on TV and you gives good impression to me.

V:Thats a relief..*laugh*

FIL:Did Joohyun knows that you're going to come here?

V:Nope..Actually I have something to plan for her birthday this Sunday.So I had to do this secretly.*chuckles*

MIL:What are your plans then?*smiles*

V:I plan on celebrating her birthday here with her family because she said that she's been celebrating her birthday with her member since her trainee years.So I thought it would be special if she celebrate with her family for this year.Only if you agree..

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