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Group Chat:

RM:So guys,you can start to discuss now.
KSJ:Since I was the one that suggest this,I will be responsible later on when Taehyung found out about this.
MYG:Should we drop the formality first?
IR:Then i will be the oldest then*uwaaaa* Alright.
JJK:You want to see Taehyung being jealous and angry right,noona?
IR:Yup.But,it must be hard to do this.
PJM:Not really hard.Cause he has things that he hates.
IR:What does he hates?
JHP:He hates it when people disturb his phone without him knowing.
IR:But,i have use his phone before though and i even know his password.
KSJ:Really?!Wah...even us don't know his password.Taehyung really loves you.
IR:*shy emoji*
RM:Ok guys the important things is what to do to make him mad.
PJM:Irene noona should ignore him.
JHP:And you should avoid being clingy with him.
KSJ:If he cling on you,said that he is annoying.
RM:Waaa that so cruel keke
JJK:Noona is actress right?You should act like being emotional about your relationship with him.*lol emoji*
MYG:You all gonna wreck someones marriage seriously.
IR:The idea is really funny and i can even imagine how he would react to this.But,im scared when he finds out though.
PJM:Its okay.Its just a 'cute' prank keke.
KSJ:You should do this on the next day.
RM:Just don't overact and end the prank before it starts getting worse.
IR:Thanks guyss!♥

Group Chat end.

On the next day,

They both have awake and they greet themselves in the morning.

IR:Good morning ^-^
V:Good morning ^-^

They start the day with simple breakfast yet yummy to fill their empty stomach.

V:What do you wanna do today?
IR:I think we better stay at home today.Im not in a great mood.
V:Why?Are you sick?
IR:Its nothing.Im okay.*smile*

V wash the dishes after the breakfast and let Irene rest.While V wash the dishes,Irene simply take his phone and look at his gallery.On the other hand,V is done with his work and goes to Irene.

V:What are you doing?With my phone?
IR:Im just looking at your photo.
V:Ohh okay..

Irene thinks that V would get mad but as expected V is not bother by her disturbing his phone without his permission but to just let her.In the end,Irene give him back his phone and look at her own phone to avoid talking to him.

V:Joohyun ah~Look at this,this is my niece.She's pretty right?
IR:Waa She is really pretty.

After that short talk,they turn into silence again.

V:What are you doing with your phone?
You're not even look at me.
IR:Nothing.Im just chatting with my friends.
V:You husband is here.Talk with me instead. *lean closer to irene*
IR:Don't do that.. *whining*
V:Why?We always do like this but why are you getting annoyed?
IR:Maybe its getting hotter these days.
V:You cant handle the heat?

V change the aircond level to the coldest temperature.

V:Its okay now?

After 10 mins of silence,V decide to talk to her.

V:Are your schedule so tight recently?That's why you are not in the mood?
IR:Probably.*still playing with her phone*
V:Stop playing with your phone and answer me properly.
IR:Okay I stop.What now?
IR:You're not gonna say something?
V:Okay look.Since earlier I ask you something and you just reply with short answer.
IR:Then do you expect me to answer like an essay?
V:I really cant get that angry to you but now...I just feel that you are not the same when we first met.You're not talking to me either.You just reply them in short answer.Its look like you're not too interested about our relationship.What happen?

V raise his voice a little bit making Irene lower her head down.Irene start to feel scared but she just continue to make him mad.

IR:*stare at his eyes* Okay look,why does I feel that our relationship would means nothing?I mean that we know that we will end real soon.
V:Why cant you think of anything else?Just don't think about the end.I love you the way it is.
IR:Taehyung,can we really do this?I don't think that i can deal with the haters out there.(to all haters,f**k off)
V:Haters wont make me feel scared.I don't have fans that interrupting my life.I only have the one that supports me till the end.
IR:I feel scared and want to leave all of this instantly.*start to walk to her room while smiling mischiveously*

V start to walk to her and hold his wrist.

V:But,what if i want you to stay?

Irene is a little taken aback with his words.Irene turn to Taehyung and hug him.

IR:Im sorry Taehyung.
V:You don't have to.
IR:I meant it.Im really sorry.
IR:Because this is all are prank hahahahahahhahahaahhaahahaha!
V:What the heck...No wonder im feeling this is too early for all of this.Im really getting my revenge on this.

Irene hug him even tighter because she is scared to look at him.V on the other hand just stand there letting Irene embrace him while hugging her back.

V:Im really scared that things earlier might be real things.
IR:What the heck..im not going to let that happen.
V:When you decide to walk,i really hope that its gonna be a prank.Thanks god,its really a prank.

They release the hug and stare at each other.Irene just lower her head down because of what she did early while V just smile seeing her.

Irene just lower her head down because of what she did early while V just smile seeing her

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Irene gather all her courage and look at V.(imagine irene look up to V bcs he is too tall awww lol)

V:Tell me,why did you start this?
IR:Okay i'll tell you but let sit down first.You're too tall..my neck start to hurt.

They sit on the couch and Irene continue to answer him.

IR:To be honest,Jin suggest the plan to me so i just agree with it.I want to see you get angry that's why.But,instead of mad i get to see your serious side.That's charming to me though.. *chuckles*
V:Aaaa~I see..That's why you take my phone earlier..You must be thinking that i will get mad because of that but suprisingly i am not right?How can I get angry with you?You have the right to look at my phone so i don't care..
IR:*smile*But,when you raise your voice at me earlier I did feel scared you know.
V:That scared you?Sorry...But seeing you lower your head down earlier really makes my heart soft.
IR:But my prank not really success yet because you did not get that angry.
V:Why did you want to see me get angry so much..Im not the bad boy type.
IR:Just because..I don't know too~*whining*
V:How can i get mad with someones petite like you..*pinch her nose*
IR:Just how in the world to make you mad.
V:If im mad i would get really hard to coax.Do you think you can handle it?
V:Wow how can i get mad when you are just nodding is cute for me.*chuckles*

They laugh thinking about the prank Irene made for him earlier.In the end,Taehyung end up getting soft for her instead of getting mad.Look like Irene and BTS's prank this time not really successful but V did really raise his voice though so consider the prank is done.


Ok...This chp is full of drama lol..Its like prank goes wrong...I know this update is so so lame but whatever hahaha idc anymore..Tap the star guyss thank you♥

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