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Ideally, people would hold a huge gathering with a bunch of cake and presents for their sweet sixteenth.

Turning sixteen is supposed to be the best day of your life as a teenager, especially since you get your beloved Soulmate assigned to you.

Getting your Soulmate is like some sort of sorcery, it's like magic and it just randomly happens. The process is that you have to light a candle and blow it out on your sixteenth birthday to receive your special person that you'll spend the rest of your life with.

I wish that this isn't real. I wish that this is just some sick silly prank.

I wish that I'm only dreaming and not put in this twisted reality.

Getting your Soulmate is supposed to be like a dream come true, it's supposed to be special and it's supposed to make you feel loved and content.

For me, it's more of a living nightmare.

My sticky eyes flutter back open, I look down and I could still see his name in black cursive writing. No matter how hard I try to scratch it off, his first name will forever remain on my wrist.

What did I do to deserve this?

There's a knock at the door, my head perks up and I mumble a quiet 'come in' before staring back down at my wrist.

My mother enters the room with a proud and cheery smile. Once she sees the tears streaming down my cheeks, her smile fades almost immediately to a frown and she kneels next to me.

"What's wrong?", she asks, placing a hand on my shoulder and I couldn't dare look into her eyes.

I open my mouth but no words fall out, I shake my head and all I have to do is show her my wrist for her to understand.

She lets out a gasp and nearly tears up, I continue to silently cry and let out a sniffle as she pulls me into her arms.

She now knows that I'm a Glitch.

She knows that the damned name on my wrist determined my whole life.

Brendon Urie is my Soulmate and there's no way to escape the fate.

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