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There's nothing better than being on your own.

Sometimes, you just feel freer when you're by yourself compared to when you're with a bunch of people.

I think like that, I don't like talking to people and trusting them. Trusting others means that I have to open up and I don't want to retell the story of my pain. It's like reliving a dark and twisted memory, one where you fall and never reach the top which is where the light is.

Those are the kind of memories I want to erase. Those are the kinds of memories I wish would go away and never come back.

"-yan? Earth to Ryan!"

I snap out of my thoughts, blinking a couple of times before focusing my attention to Pete.

"Hi, sorry..", I squeak out and Pete rolls his eyes.

"I was talking and you literally zoned out on me again. That's a problem, a you problem", he says and it was my turn to roll my eyes as he lets out a sigh. "Anyways, haven't you heard? There's going to be a christmas dance coming up in a few months! You going?"

"I never go to dances Pete, what makes you think I'll go this year?", I ask back. "Asides, I don't want to see Brendon and Sarah making out or whatever."

"Woah, chill. I was just asking.", Pete says, throwing his hands back in defense with a grin. "I'm planning on taking Mikey out."

"Your new math tutor? The guy in the IB program?", he nods for confirmation as his grin grows. "You literally just met him a few hours ago. Don't tell me you spent your first tutoring session flirting with him."

"To your dismay, that's exactly what I did! He didn't seem to mind, he just smiled and laughed at my shitty jokes.", Pete explains. "I think he likes me."

"You have a Soulmate.", I strictly remind him, glancing from my work and back to him.

"He IS my Soulmate."


"Yeah, oh indeed. IT RULES!", he falls back, sinking into the couch like a lovestruck guy because that's literally what he is. A lovestruck teen. His smile fades. "Oh shit, sorry. I don't mean to rub it in your face Ryan."

I shrug. "Don't worry about it.", I say. "I could care less now, I'm going to die and Brendon wouldn't give a damn."

"Don't say that. If Brendon didn't find Sarah, then maybe he'd be spending his time with us.", Pete says and I could only let out a sigh. "Don't feel so sad. Okay, how about I try and set you up with him?"

"He has a girlfriend and her name is Sarah."

"Set up as in a small meet up, not dating!", Pete exclaims, giving me jazz hands. "Look, you guys will be able to bond and your death process will slow down. Genius, right?"

"When it comes to you, nothing is considered genius.", I mumble, standing up from my seat as I make my way to the kitchen.

"Hey! I heard that!"

I roll my eyes as a smile slowly makes its way to my face. "You were supposed to hear that.", I say, pouring myself a glass of water. I glance up to the clock and set my mug on the table. "Eric is going to be here any minute now. You mind packing your stuff?"

"Yes, I do mind.", Pete groans, shoving his crap into his bag and swinging it over his shoulder. "You literally met Eric yesterday, how are you two best friends already?"

"You could say that we're special."

Pete rolls his eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to convince Mikey to hang with me.", he sighs, heading towards the door.

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