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"Hey Ry', Sarah, Pete and I are going to get slushies. You want to come with us?", Brendon asks with a smile.

"Sorry, I've got a doctor's appointment after.", I decline, my eyes dart the ground and I clutch onto the sleeve of my jacket.

Brendon shrugs and mutters something under his breath as Pete lets out a groan. "Looks like I'll be third-wheeling those love birds again.", he mumbles as he rolls his eyes back. "Also, it's like 90 degrees outside. How are you still wearing a jacket?"

Pete reaches out to me and my first instinct was to step back, he eyes me carefully with a raised brow and I force a smile.

"H-huh, maybe that's why I'm visiting the doctor.", I quickly force myself to say before he suspects anything else. I look up and see Sarah, I tear my glance away from her and Brendon and pretend to cough. "I-I should get going Pete, I don't want to keep my mom waiting."

"Yeah, sure. Stay safe Ryan and I hope you get better.", he says with a smile, I nod and force a smile back as I flee the scene.

I could feel my heart pounding in my head as I race across the street. I spot my mother's car and open the car door, seating myself inside as I let out a sigh and slam it shut.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?", she asks as she begins to drive. My head tilts towards the window, I gaze at the high school as we pass by it and I see Brendon and Sarah holding hands as they step outside.

I force myself to look straight ahead. "I managed to survive, that's for sure.", I answer as I cross my arms over my chest.

"At least you're okay Ryan, you know that I'm really worried for you.", she says with a weary sigh. I glance over to her, noting that her eyes were bloodshot red and I couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me.

"I know mom.. I'm sorry.", I mumble. "Uh - does he know?"

She shakes her head. "Don't apologize, none of this is your fault. And I know that he's your father and deserves to know but it's not like we have any way to contact to him.", she says, stepping on the breaks. "The things your father has done, it's unacceptable and I'm glad that I have full custody over you. I couldn't have you living with that hellhound."

"I know..", I let out a sigh. "Let's drop the topic, I don't want to bring it up around you anyway."

"Yeah. Thanks Ryan.", she says and stays quiet, focusing on the road.

I pull down the sleeve of my right arm and stare at the name, I close my eyes and allow the bland trashy radio music to fill my ears.

Eventually, the engine stops running and I assume we got to the doctor's office. My eyes flutter open and I open the car door, stepping out as the sun rains down on me.

I walk inside with my mother, she walks up to the front desk and introduces herself and I. The lady at the desk beams a smile, says some stuff about us being 'special' and another lady brings us to the room.

"Hello Mrs. Ross and Ryan, how are you two doing?", the doctor asks.

"I'm doing well but Ryan on the other hand, we've got a problem.", she says and the lady gestures me to sit on the tabletop, I follow her instruction and do as she says.

"Take off your jacket and any extra layers of clothes you have on.", she instructs and again, I do as she says and place my clothes beside me.

The doctor continues to converse with my mother, she nods at every sentence as he then walks towards me and takes a seat in front of me. I look as my mother was told to wait outside.

"Okay Ryan, my team and I are going to run a few tests on you.", the doctor starts off and I nod. "We're going to have to test your blood and use some mechanics to check on your soul. Are you good with that?"

"Yeah.", I say before swallowing hard. He nods and calls out to some other workers, they bring in this huge machine and the process was now starting.

They took my blood and after bandaging the shot, they ask me to lie down in the machine. I had no choice but to obey, after all, it was for my health and safety.

After what felt like an eternity, I slowly open my eyes and found myself in another room on a couch. I steadily lift my body up and look around, the lady from before beams me a smile.

"How are you feeling Ryan?", she asks as she clicks her pen.

"I feel weak and - uh - pretty tired.", I say, running a hand through my hair as the lady scribbles something on a sheet of paper.

"Don't worry, that's normal.", she says somewhat assuringly and I could only nod. "I'll call your mom in so she can see you, she's been really worried."

"She cares for me so I understand.", I mumble and keep my eyes on the ground. The lady leaves and my mother comes rushing in immediately, pulling me in for a hug and I hug her back.

"Hi mom.", I say with a small smile and she pulls back.

"Hey. How was it? You're not hurt, right?", she asks and I shake my head, she lets out a sigh of relief.

"I'm just tired and I feel a bit weak but the lady said that it was normal.", I respond and my mom nods.

Just in time, the doctor enters the room and we look to him. I fidget with my hands and my mom stands up, walking up to him as he greets the both of us.

"Mrs. Ross and Ryan, we've got the results in.", the doctor says, I anxiously wait in place as my mother stays quiet and waits for him to continue. "Just to let you know, once you turn sixteen, your soul can no longer support itself as it's only half of a soul, you need your Soulmate's other half to stay alive. In Ryan's case, he's a Glitch and his soul can't support himself and is weakening at a very alarming rate."

"Wh-what does that mean?", my mother questions.

"His soul is too weak to support itself, it's rotting and eventually, it'll kill him.", he explains.

"How much longer do I have?", I choke out.

"Five months at the most, I'm sorry."

I feel my heart shatter and my stomach flop. I didn't notice that I was crying until I felt my tears fall onto my pants, I rub my eyes and begin to sniffle as my mom rubs my back in order to comfort me.

I had my entire life planned. I was excited to see what I could do on this path of life and now, all of my hopes and dreams were shattered because of a simple name on my wrist.

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