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It's been 3 days since I last went to school, I've never missed so many days of class before. I mean, Pete has been dropping by and handing me missed work from all of my classes since he's such a good friend. It's unusual for mr. teacher's pet to not show up for three days in a row. I'm convinced that everyone has some weird-ass theory about my disappearance.

Oh well, that's better than letting the world know that I'm a Glitch.

I needed to take care of myself because according to Pete, my mental and physical health comes first. Basically, how I feel should be my own top priority, not others.

I mean, he's not wrong. I should be putting myself first but it's just that I don't want to die alone.

Nobody does.

Oh god, stop thinking so negatively Ryan.

Think. happy. Thoughts.

It's really hard to do that when your soul is rotting at an alarming rate.

"By Ryan! Remember, you have a doctor's appointment after school!", she calls out and I nod as I slam the car door shut and step into the school.

I could feel all eyes on me as I step into the school, it felt like one of those slow-motion movie scenes. The main character steps into some place, everyone is staring at them because they're the main attention and their eyes follow the protagonist.

I make my way to my locker, putting my stuff in and shut it after, feeling my heart jump at the sight of Brendon Urie. He's leaning against his locker and giving me this angry glare, it looks like he isn't too happy.

And guess what!

He's not with Sarah for once.

"Where have you been?", he asks, I could detect cups of salt from his question.

"I've been busy.", I reply.

Brendon opens his mouth, as if he wanted to say something but decides against it. I roll my eyes and start walking to class, some part of me hoping that Brendon would run after me just so I know that he still cares about me.

But he didn't.


I am seated in the doctor's waiting room, I'm alone this time since my mom had work to go to.

"Ryan Ross?", I look up and stand up. "Hey, how are you today?"

"The usual, tired and - uhm - tired.", I mumble and don't dare to add on. The lady nods and guides me to the doctor, I thank her and a familiar face greets me.

It was my doctor (who else?).

"Hey Ryan, how are you feeling?", he asks me and I shrug.

"Tired.", was all that came out of my mouth.

"I don't see your mother. Where is she?"

"Work.", I say.

"You're not afraid or even scared?", he asks.


God, this is awkward. This is why I don't like socializing.

The doctor waits for me to add on but I don't, he quickly nods. "Okay then, that's cool. Look, we're just going to be scanning you every three weeks. We don't want your condition to get worse."

"I understand.", I say and the helpers take me inside another room.

From what I can tell, it was considered to be a "special" room. Special why? Special because it was closed off from all of the other rooms. I'm assuming it was made for Glitches, I may be jumping to conclusions but it wasn't for a sign that said "hazardous machine; proceed cautiously", I would've thought so otherwise.

People see Glitches like they're some sort of contagious virus which is exactly what we're not. Believe me, I've ranted about this before but they're treating us like we're freaks or as if we weren't supposed to exist. Of course, happy accidents happen but not everything or everyone is perfect.

Quoting 'Heathers (1998)': "If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human. You'd be a game show host." from Veronica Sawyer herself.

We all have our bad days, no one can be happy forever because that's literally just inhumane. Sure, you can have a positive mindset but living in a fake reality where it's just sunshine and rainbows? No thank you, I'd rather drown.

Sorry, I'm getting off-track.

The scanning process was the same as the first, they set me inside this weird machine that can somehow analyze my soul and such. A bright blue light scans your body, collects data and determines your health like that. I don't know, I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff.

It's scary seeing how far technology has come.

"Ryan, your results are in.", my doctor says.

"Oh, okay. Has anything changed?"

He shakes his head. "Nothing out of the ordinary but your Soul has definitely weakened a bit more.", he explains and I nod, listening to every word. This is important information for me. "Some of the symptoms you may develop are flu or cold-like, basically anything like fevers, mild headaches and wet coughs."

"Oh, okay.", I say, I stand up from my seat. "Thank you doc."

"Anytime, have a good day Ryan.", he exclaims and I nod with a forced smile. "Oh - and don't forget! Another three weeks."

"Yeah, got it."

I walk out of the doctor's building, inhaling the fresh air as the sun rains down on me.

That's not that bad, everyone will believe that I have a small cold. Better than having them know that I'm a Glitch.

How many times have I thought about Glitches today?

It's starting to get awfully repeated and it hurts my head. 

Or is that just one of the symptoms kicking in?

God, I'm a mess.

I just need to get home, eat, do my homework, text Pete and sleep. Maybe play guitar and write lyrics for no one but myself to read and hear.

Out of everything that's happened today, I'm surprised that my doctor didn't bring up the other option. The whole 'remove your feelings' option.

I'm sure it's not that bad, right? No feelings but you get to live and your soul somehow supports itself without a significant other, it seems like a win-win situation for me. 

Maybe I'm just overthinking things, I mean, that's always been a bad habit of mine.

Death or life? Two different options that some people can't choose between.

Life really is just an unfair game.

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