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I search through Brendon's closet, pulling out an old lavender hoodie that's been hidden underneath a pile of jackets.

I'm not the biggest of bright colours but it's a hoodie, so this will do.

I nearly slip it on before hearing a sudden thud from the bathroom. I toss the hoodie aside, running up to the door as I place my ear on it. I hear nothing but silence so I knock on the door.

"Brendon? Are you okay?", I ask but he doesn't respond. I place my hand on the handle. "I'm going to come in. Is that okay wi-"

Instead, the door swings wide open, cutting me off as Brendon tackles me.


I cast him a side glance. "Uhh Brendon?"

"You will NOT believe what just happened, holy shit!", he bursts. He swings his arm over, shoving his wrist in front of my face. He holds it up at my eye level, I look at him with a raised brow before squinting to read his wrist.

Ha, that's funny.

It says Ryan.

Holy shit, that's MY name.

I grab his wrist, examining it from all angles and even press my finger down on it, seeing if it would smudge.

It doesn't.


"I DON'T KNOW?? BUT ISN'T THIS AMAZING?!!", he cheers, gripping my shoulders and shaking me excitedly. "You know what this means? You're not a Glitch anymore! And you know what that means? You're not going to fucking die!!"

"Holy shit, this is the best day ever!", I exclaim and he nods, beaming a smile. "I-I've got to tell my mom, and Pete! Oh my god, they'll be so happy, you don't understand-"

"And YOU don't understand how happy I am!", Brendon bursts with joy, embracing me in a hug. He releases me from his hold and looks me straight in the eye. "You're going to live past sixteen! Not only can you pursue your dreams but we can have a life together. Isn't that great?!"

I nod in agreement with a smile. "Of course it's great!", I reply.

It's just not my top priority at the moment.

I remove his hands from my shoulder. "C'mon Bren', I got to go get ready.", I tell him, his cheeks flush a tint of red as he mutters a quiet "okay."

He backs away from me, giving me my personal bubble back. I grab the hoodie, make my way to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

Should I shower? I didn't shower yesterday so I probably should.

I just need to be quick.

I pull off my shirt, placing it on the small rack along with my other clothes.

I step inside the shower, letting the water run for a moment so it becomes warm.

I pick up the showerhead, hooking it onto the wall bracket and feel the water run against my skin.

To be honest, taking a shower is the best feeling in the world. It makes me feel protected for some reason. It's like the feeling of hot water gives me warmth, it kind of has the same vibe that a hug gives off.

Anyways, today doesn't feel real at all and today literally just started. So many things have changed for me and it's so weird.

Who knew one small event could change the outcome of everything?

For starters, I'm not a Glitch anymore.

I gaze at Brendon's inked name on my wrist. I brush a finger over it and sigh.

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