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The heart is a magnificent work of art made by the creator. You know, the heart we think is the heart and not that heart that's part of our anatomy (not saying that heart is any less magnificent).

Now, back to that heart I was talking about.

Yes, the heart is a magnificent work of art: strong enough to contain the overwhelming feelings of first love, brave enough to withstand the life-sucking pain of first heartbreak and courageous enough to love again, without looking back.

It's been a very long and eventful year. My heart has been on a crazy roller-coaster ride and my life has been more dramatic than most of the movies I've watched and that says a lot because well, I have a good eye for dramas. Countless times my best friend has told me," Bro, your life is a f**cking movie." Well Kira, we're about to find out what the ending of this f**cking movie is like.

As I pull into his driveway, my mind is a war-zone. My brain is clouded with so many negative thoughts and questions. What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if I messed it up so bad it can't be fixed? What if I pushed him out of love with me? With all these questions taking turns to push my insanity button, my wobbly, jelly-like legs carry me to his front door. My anxiety has me in an almost shivering state although it's like 27 degrees outside. I gently knock on his door, heart about to forget all about courage and just jump out of my chest to escape the scene about to unfold. The answer to all my questions is behind this door. I hear footsteps coming towards the door. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and hold on tightly to the hope that is in my hands.

But maybe before you see me possibly taking an L, I should back it up a bit and tell you how I ended up in the nerve wrecking situation I'm in now.

It all started when my broke-ass self decided to take a gap year between High School and University...

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