Chapter 3

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Leon huffed and puffed and looked at his watch for the second time in a minute. He let out a loud groan.

"If you look at that watch one more time, I promise you, you're going to go insane," JJ said coolly not even looking up from his phone.  Leon stood up and started pacing.

JJ looked up from his phone, "Now you want to give me anxiety."

"I just knew it was a bad idea letting him in on this. He's compromising our success before we even begin. JJ remind me again why we're even doing this with him?"

"Because he speaks money. Because he's probably the best person to handle finances without having gone to school for it. Because h-.."

"Stop! I get it. But look at this, he's not even here yet and his phone is switched off. This kind of behaviour..."


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" unacceptable is the corporate world blah blah blah," Nash finished Leon's statement for him. "Calm your male tits Leon. I said I'd be here and I'm here."

"One hour late!" Leon said through gritted teeth. "Did you see that long line of people waiting to be interviewed on your way in? We're going to be here an extra hour because you can't seem to take this seriously enough to arrive on time," Leon was yelling now.

 "Did you see that long line of people waiting to be interviewed on your way in? We're going to be here an extra hour because you can't seem to take this seriously enough to arrive on time," Leon was yelling now

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"Don't worry 'bout that fam. If she ain't pretty, then we don't even waste our time interviewing her. And from the way I saw it when I was walking in, there aren't a lot of prett-

"Alright that's it," Leon cut him off and lunged at him with balled fists, ready to knock him out.

JJ finally intervened and stood between the two.

JJ finally intervened and stood between the two

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