Chapter 5

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It was a little after 5pm and Leon, Nash and JJ were all at Leon's place.

"Leon man, there's nothing to eat in here," Nash complained, closing the fridge.

"Bro, you know my mum's been away for like three days. We ran out of her cooked meals on like the first day. And I think we all know what happened the last time my dad and I tried to cook," Leon finished off, handing him a list of fast-food places that delivered. JJ immediately walked into the kitchen. "I still don't know what you and your dad were trying to prove by eating that food," JJ said, looking down at his phone.

"His dad said, 'real men eat anything' remember?" Nash said stifling a laugh. "It was both depressing and funny seeing both y'all in the hospital."

"Gosh! Those were the worst three days of my life. I remember my mum came and had us moved into the same hospital room so she could give us a piece of her mind every visiting hour at the same time," Leon said, looking horrified by the memory. "We don't cook anymore since that incident."

Nash ordered them pizza and drinks.

They went to chill in Leon's Game Room while they waited.

"So, we need to agree on who we're going to hire tonight," Leon said, just as Nash was reaching for the PS4 controller. "Come on man, it's game night," Nash started sulking.

"The more time you spend sulking, the less time I'll have to whoop your ass at FIFA. So, please shut up and let's get to it," Leon responded, looking annoyed.

Nash put the controller down and came to sit next to JJ who was holding a list of names of people they had interviewed. Leon came and sat on the other side of JJ. The three looked at the list, then simultaneously let out a sigh.

"Well I know we're definitely not hiring Karen," Leon said

"Or Amanda," Nash and JJ said at the same time, then chuckled.

"Even though she was sexy as hell," Nash continued. "Who's Karen though?"

"Is she the one who said we were in the top five?" JJ asked with an amused smile.


Nash shrugged. "Imagine the things she could lie about if she got the job. Nope. Definitely not."

Leon cleared his throat.

"Uh-oh,' Nash said looking to the other side, "here we go."

"I was thinking we hire the last girl we interviewed. Alex, I think," Leon eventually let out.

"Leon, man, I know appearance doesn't matter much to you and I respect that. But we are not hiring Miss Over-sized t-shirts to be our secretary. Dude, if she wore that to an interview, where first impressions are everything, imagine what she will wear to work. No no no!" Nash was frustrated.

"Why her?" JJ asked, equally frustrated.

"Listen guys, I know her dressing was a bit off for an interview. But Nash, technically you and her are in the same WhatsApp group. I think Alex is really our girl guys. This isn't a joke anymore. We're really doing this. We're starting a company and we need everyone to be hands on. She's smart, her chemistry is good, and you can just tell she's creative and she could be a fast learner. To top it all off, she's honest. Come on guys. You were all there, you heard her portfolio. You know I'm right. We can," Leon paused for a while, then continued under his breath, "work on her dressing with time."

"Okay. Fine," Nash surrendered.

"No, no! JJ don't do this to me man."

"Let's just give her a shot. She probably won't be able to handle it anyway."

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