Chapter 6

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Alex's phone started ringing and vibrating under her pillow. She didn't even need to second guess what was happening.

Alex: Yes Kira, I know it's our first day as citizens of the working class and we do not want to be late. Now please hang up. I think there's like thirty more minutes before 6.30.

Kira: Aaah, of course, my grumpy little bundle of joy. Good morning. And correction, it's already 6.23 so you might as well wake up.

Alex: Groans. You've just robbed me of my seven minutes in heaven.

Kira: Yea, whatever bitch. I gotta be at work at 7 so we can't go together today. Let's have lunch together though. My lunch break is between 1 and 2pm.

Alex: I don't really know the particulars of my work schedule yet, but I think it should be fine.

Kira: Alright babes. Love ya.

Kira hung up. Alex grumpily got out of bed and opened her windows and curtain. She made her bed and laid out her outfit for the day that she had decided on the previous night.

She went to the kitchen and had a bowl of cereal then she went to shower. Growing up, Alex was a messy eater so she always had to eat first then shower. Even though now she was grown up and didn't make a mess eating anymore, she still did that. Old habits die hard.

Alex put on her denim baggy jeans, tucked in her two sizes bigger plain black t-shirt and put on a belt to hold everything in place. She wore her grey and blue Adidas sneakers. Her hair was tied into her usual two pigtails. She grabbed her backpack and threw in her wallet, house keys, a small notebook she bought for work and a clutch pencil, a packet of Jelly Tots, lip gloss and a compact umbrella. Her mum wasn't going to work today. Alex went to say goodbye to her and found her awake already.

"Good morning mum," Alex greeted, kissing her on the cheek. "I thought you'd still be sleeping."

"I heard you moving around and thought I'd drop you off on your first day," she said getting out of bed and grabbing her car keys.

"Yay!" Alex squealed.

They left the house, got into her mum's car and drove off. Ten minutes later they arrived.

"Oh, you guys are right opposite the mall. That's so cool."

"Yea. So that means I can have lunch with Kira all the time. And we can go to and from work together too. So yea, it's pretty cool."

"Wow, I'm proud of you girls."

"Alright ma, I gotta go and work to put that food on the table and you know, pay bills and stuff," Alex said, trying to sound like an adult, getting out of the car.

"Alright bread winner," her mum shouted after her. "I'll see you later."

Alex walked into the compound. The left side of the driveway was lined up by yellow Marigold flowers and a very well-maintained lawn beyond the ridge of flowers. To the right was a six-car parking lot with four of the spots having a steel shed garage parking tent, labelled 'staff' in bright yellow block letters. There were three beautiful cars parked in three of the staff parking spots. A red latest Mercedes Benz A-Class hatchback, a blue BMW M4 and a white Mercedes Benz E-Class Coupè. These kids must be rich rich.

The driveway led to a one-storey building entrance. The glass sliding doors that covered three quarters of the about six metres wide wall were already open, indicating that someone was already there. Alex took out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans to check the time. 0725. I'm not late. She climbed up the three steps then entered the building.

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