Chapter 1

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Alex glanced at the clock in the examination room for the umpteenth time. She internally groaned. Damn these Physics practicals that required repeated readings. Do examiners actually want students to finish on time? One more hour of this Physics Practical Examination and Alex would never have to see the gates of high school ever again, if she passes that is. Finally, the hour passed by and the examiners announced it was time to put pens down just as she had finalised her graph. The students submitted their answer scripts and question papers trying hard to contain their excitement. There was no need to pack the apparatus because the Physics teacher had said he wanted to give the form five's the same practical exam for their end of term examinations. Typical!

The students left the exam room cheering and screaming, to be greeted by equally excited parents and guardians here to pick them up. Alex scanned the area for her mum and spotted her looking around, probably looking for her too. She ran up and hugged her from behind. "Lexie!" her mum exclaimed. Alex's face quickly turned sour as she glared at her mum. Her mum smiled and covered her o-shaped mouth guiltily. "Sorry, I got too excited and forgot we're in public." She quickly apologised. Alex looked like she was thinking about whether to forgive her or not then her lips broke into a grin she hugged her mum again.

The two embraced each other sweetly in silence for a long time. Alex broke the silence, "I'm done mum. I'm finally done. It was so exhausting, but I made it." Her mum hugged her tighter. "I know my love. And I'm so proud of you already before the results even come out." Alex started laughing then they finally let go of each other. "Let's go get my stuff and get out of here," Alex said, already walking towards her bags.

"Someone's in a rush to leave," her mum responded with a chuckle, falling in step with her daughter. They packed all her bags in her mum's little blue 2018 Ford Fiesta. Some bags had to go to the front because the boot was small to contain them all. Alex said goodbye to the few friends who were staying because they were only writing their last exam a week later. One more week in high school! Glad to not have these problems.

They got in and they drove off. "So," her mum started, "how are you feeling after six years of an all girls' boarding school?" Alex was quiet for her while. "I definitely don't regret it," she finally said, with a smile dancing on her lips as she thought of all the memories. Bitter-sweet memories. She made herself comfortable in her seat so she could nap. It was going to be a long three-hour drive home.

Just over three hours later, at around 6pm, they pulled into their driveway. They finally got the last of her bags inside and they crashed on the couch, exhausted. Alex jumped up suddenly and went to her mum's room. She started opening the chest of drawers looking for something. Where was it? Giving up, she called out to her mum, "Mum, where's my phone?"

"Second drawer from the bottom," her mum answered, appearing right behind her. Alex took out her iPhone 6s with the Minions phone cover and a cracked screen guard. Hello lover. "I'm surprised you didn't ask for it on our way home 'til now," her mum said leaning against the doorway. Alex turned to face her. "When have you ever remembered to bring anything I asked you to bring mum?" Her mum's jaw dropped wide open in response to the level of disrespect. Alex started laughing and moved over to her mum. She helped her close her mouth and kissed her on the cheek, "I love you still."

As Alex walked towards the kitchen, she dialled the number of the person she had been dying to talk to for the past two and a half months. She picked up on the first ring:

Kira: Bitch what the hell? Your last exam was like six hours ago and you're only calling now? What is it? Do you not want me anymore?

Alex: Chuckles. Well, hello to you too Kira. I missed you even more.

Kira: Laughs. But seriously, I know how much you love your phone. How are you only touching it now?

Alex: Whoa...back it up. What makes you think I'm only touching it now?

Kira: Because I know I'm the first person you're calling, duh!

Alex: Okay, good point. But have you forgotten who my mum is?

Kira: She forgot to bring it didn't she? Laughs

Alex: Yup!

Alex's mum walked into the kitchen wearing her work clothes and her name tag. Alex told Kira to hold.

"Ms Woods, why are you wearing your work clothes?"

"I'm going to work," she replied in a duh tone. Alex turned on her whining face and began, "But mum, I just got here and now you want to leave me." Ms Woods had to bite back a laugh, "I'm sorry hun, but I have to cover for someone."

Kira: Bitch stop whining and come over to my place

Alex had almost forgotten she was on the phone with Kira.

"Okay, so can I go sleepover at Kira's?"

"If you turn off your whining face and get your overnight bag ready in the next five minutes, I could drop you off." Alex quickly said bye to Kira and dashed to her room to get her overnight bag and was back in the kitchen five minutes later, ready to go but it looked like her mum had gone to the car already. Alex switched off all the lights and locked up.

"All set?" Ms Woods asked as Alex got in the car. Alex nodded in response.

Twenty minutes later they reached Kira's place and Ms Woods dropped Alex off by the gate. Alex called Kira to tell her to come to the gate.

When Kira opened the gate, the first thing Alex asked was, "Is the beast caged?" referring to Kira's dog.

Kira scoffed. "She isn't a beast, you psycho. But yes, she's caged."

The girls hugged each other tightly, each saying how much they missed the other. They walked in already having their catch-up session. Kira's mum, Mrs Philips, was out of the country with work and her sister Vera had gone out clubbing, so it was just Kira and Alex at home. "So, this is why you wanted me to come over," Alex said with a sly smile. Kira gave her her signature "shut-up look" as a response and Alex immediately fixed her face.

Two horror movies later, the girls were laying in bed, about to sleep.

"I decided to take a gap year," a sleepy Kira said. Alex looked up from her phone, surprised. "Why?" she asked. Kira turned to face her. "I dunno Lex, I feel like I need it. And with the possibility of us going to different Universities looming, it would be good for us to spend a whole year together, don't you think?"

Alex smiled. "Yea, I think so too. But what are going to do all year?"

"I was thinking we could get jobs and earn money to spend on our own. We could also save up for closet makeovers before Uni," Kira said the last part excited.

Alex chuckled. "Of course, you put clothes in the plan."

"We can start job-hunting on Monday. This weekend we can just put together our CVs and a list of possible workplaces."

"Sounds like a solid plan," Alex said, yawning.

"Good night Lexie."

"Good night Kiki."

Kira kicked Alex and they started laughing.


Does the gify explain your mood when you finished high school or was it just me?? Don't forget to comment :)

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