Chapter 7

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Alex's alarm went off and she almost threw her phone to the ground in annoyance. Her first day of work had left her exhausted. After lunch with Kira she had gone back to the office to make sure everything was in place for the furniture deliveries. She noticed all the rooms needed a little cleaning and dusting and she had to go back to the mall to get cleaning materials and extension cords for their electrical appliances. She came back and cleaned the three offices, the conference room, their two bathrooms, the kitchen and the reception. The cleaning company would only start sending people to clean when they were fully functional.

5pm she was ready to leave. She was not about to work overtime on her first day.

Alex stumbled out of bed and got ready for work. Kira was coming over so they could go to work together. They were chatting and laughing non-stop on their way to work, much to the annoyance of the other workers on the bus who weren't as enthusiastic about going to work as they were.

"I can't make it to lunch today," Kira said looking a little sad. "I have to cover for Beth because she has a lunch date or something, so she needs more than an hour for lunch today."

Alex pouted. "Did you bring a lunchbox, or should I bring you a donut during my lunchbreak?"

Kira smiled mischievously. "I thought you'd never ask."

"Pshht, you're crazy."

The girls got off at the Mall South Entrance bus stop and went their separate ways after a hug. Alex walked up to their entrance. All her bosses hadn't arrived yet, but she saw the building was open. Then she saw a tall, well-built man leaving the building. From what he was wearing, she concluded he was the security guard.

He walked up to her and introduced himself as Sam. He was responsible for security during the day and he had just taken over from his partner who has the nightshift. Alex went inside to make sure everything was ready for the deliveries.

She checked the time on her phone. 0745. Fifteen more minutes and she would start making phone calls to follow up on the deliveries. She had asked her bosses to stay out of her way when the deliveries were being made and she was setting everything up. She guessed they had taken that as their cue to come to work late.

At exactly 8 she called the furniture company and they told her the trucks had already left and would arrive shortly. Alex went outside and sat on the steps, waiting. The two trucks arrived about ten minutes later, with ten men to assist Alex in moving everything, as per her request.

Alex already knew how she wanted everything to look and where she wanted everything to go so, they worked fast. About an hour and a half later, everything looked perfect, except the missing desktops, reception TV and the bare walls.

Leon arrived first and he said he was impressed. JJ arrived a few minutes after Leon and didn't say anything. He just passed Alex who was sitting at the reception desk and went to his office. She thought he would come back to say thank you, but he never did. Electronics 101 delivered next and by the time Alex finished with them it was almost lunch, so she made her way to Dippin' Donuts at the mall. She ordered two ring sugar donuts, a milkshake for herself and a Fanta orange for Kira and went to sit down as she waited for her order.

She saw Nash walk in with a girl she recognised as the till operator from All About Art. Nash seemed to be frustrated and uncomfortable. He needs to be rescued. Alex had a feeling his flirtatious ways had landed him trouble. She debated whether she should stay out of it or not. She sighed and got up.

Alex walked up to where Nash and the girl from All About Art were. As she got closer, she heard the girl say, "You promised you would call."

"Hey babe, is everything fine? I have BEEN waiting for my milkshake," she said, gathering up all the sexy she could muster hugging Nash by the waist. Nash looked at her and she gave him the "play along look".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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