Chapter 2

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It was 7a.m when Alex's phone started to ring. This does not feel like 9a.m. She groggily reached for it under her pillow and half-opened her eyes to see what was happening. Of course, Kira is waking me up.

Alex: Why are you waking me up in the middle of the night, bitch?

Kira: Good morning to you too, my sunshine.

Alex: What do you want, Kira? I wanna sleep some more.

Kira: Oh no you don't. Get your lazy ass out of bed and get ready to go. We have so many places to drop off our CVs and we need to be done by lunch.

Alex: But you said niiinnneeee! Groans

Kira: Leaving the house at 9 bitch! I'm not gonna argue with you anymore. Mum's dropping me off at yours at 8.45 since you're closer to the bus. You better be done.

Alex: But how was I suppo-

Kira hung up.

Of course.

Alex sighed. She sleepily got out of bed and opened her curtains and windows. The intensity of the morning sun blinded her for a few seconds. Her mum was working the night shift again, so she'd be back any minute from now. She made her bed and picked up dirty clothes from the floor and placed them on 'the chair'.

She walked to the kitchen and made bacon and eggs for breakfast. By the time she was finished it was already 7.50. Her mum walked in with a few groceries.

"Smells breakfast-y," she said kissing Alex on the cheek. "Why are you up so early?"

"Kira and I are going on that job hunt today. We wanna drop off all our CVs by lunch," she finished off already on her way to the bathroom.

At exactly 8.45 Kira walked in, looking all dolled up in her short floral dress, Nike sneakers and a pretty purse. Her dreadlocks were tied in a bun.

"Hie mummy," she chirped happily hugging Ms Woods

Ms Woods embraced her lovingly. "How's my out-of-high-school baby doing?" Kira laughed. "She's doing just fine. And how's work? I see you're in your work clothes meaning you've either just come from the nightshift or you're about to go to work." Kira grabbed a clean plate from the sink and dished some bacon and eggs for herself.

"I just got back love. It's hectic as usual. We have one patient who is so extra, and she just makes it even worse," Ms Woods complained.

Alex walked back into the kitchen wearing her denim ripped boyfriend jeans rolled up to her ankles (Short girl problems), an over-sized navy-blue The Rolling Stones t-shirt and black Nike trainers. Her short natural 4C hair was tied into two pigtails with little puffy ponies and she had with her a backpack. Kira gasped in shock and kept her mouth wide open, as she stared at Alex.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Close your mouth before flies set up camp."

Kira took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Are you trying to scare the employers? What the feck are you wearing?" Kira looked at Ms Woods who had already lifted a finger, about to interject. "I said feck ma," she said, emphasising the 'e' in feck.

"Well?" Kira challenged Alex to respond.

"I honestly don't see anything wrong with what I'm wearing Kira. It's a fecking job hunt, not a fashion show." Alex looked at her mum who was looking perplexed now. "Yes mum, feck is a thing now." Ms Woods made her 'oh' face then raised her hands in surrender.

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