1 - Departure into the Unknown

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I'm going to use the regular way of writing reader x character stories as in:

(Y/N) - Your first name

(L/N) - Your last name

(H/C) - Your hair colour

(E/C) - Your eye colour

(H/L) - Your hair length

(F/C) - Your favourite colour

This is my first fanfiction and I'm actually not aware of where I'm going to go with this. Anyway, let's jump right in!


You're on your way to the kitchen and there's a spring in your step. You just can't help it, you're too excited for school to start. Normally teenagers would say the complete opposite. But for you, this was a whole different story.

This is your first time attending school. Ever since your birth you and your family have been travelling around the world seeing all kind of different places and meeting new people.

Your father is an author. He writes pretty successful novels and you're proud to be his daughter. And who knows? Maybe one day you might follow in his footsteps.

Your mother is a chef at some noble restaurant uptown. On your travels, she apparently "collected the tastes of the world to put it into dishes" or whatever that is supposed to mean. She does yoga, so you guess that explains it.

You prepare yourself a bowl of cereal and as you're crunching away you fantasize about school. American Highschool is like a legend. Prom, Bullies, Cheerleading, Football, Lockers, and a principal with a bald spot. That's about all you know about Highschool and boy does that sound exciting.

"(Y/N)! For god's sake!" That's your dad right there looking at you angrily for whatever reason. You snap your gaze up to him and smile apologetically.

"Hm?" You think he might have been trying to talk to you for a while now. Normally he doesn't greet you with a shout. That would be quite rude after all.

"I've been trying to speak with you for the last minute and a half, (Y/N). Do you have a problem with your ears or are you just overly excited?" Dad responds with a sly smile.

"Haha. Very funny, dad. I've just been thinking about school. When did you say I need to be there?"

"Real soon. That's why I've been trying to talk to you, kid. You want me to give you a ride or no? You could also take your bike, but I don't know where you could put it there"

"Could you drive me real quick? I-"

"It's would, (Y/N). I can obviously drive you. What you failed to do was asking me if I would." your dad interrupts you, rudely you might add. He thinks he is some kind of grammar expert just because he's an author and all.

"Sheesh dad, would your Highness do me the honour of driving me to my place of education gaining?" You answer while putting your bowl into the sink.

As you walk by your dad he gives you a little slap on the back of your head mumbling something that sounds a lot like "Cheeky brat". Since you're sure he would never say anything rude to you, you must have misheard.

You pick up your new backpack and a jacket from next to the front door and wait for your dad to grab the keys.

You started thinking about school again. Your hands are shaking a little from excitement and you couldn't have wiped that smile from your face even if you had wanted to.

As the both of you get into the SUV you stealthily wipe your sweaty hands on your thighs. But not as stealthily as you would have wanted because your dad saw it and let out a small chuckle.

Without further comments, he starts the engine and you leave the driveway and your home behind.

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