9 - Decisions, Decisions

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As you repeatedly slipped in and out of consciousness you were able to make out voices. It's hard to distinguish from whom they're coming from, but you're able to make out sentences.


"Cuts are littering her whole back and some are even on her legs."

"She might suffer from internal bleeding as well."

"I'm afraid her injuries might become infected."


"She has to eat something soon. She probably didn't eat anything over the weekend."

"I'd  feel better if we could get her into a hospital."

"I promised her we wouldn't."


"We have to be prepared once her parents start looking for her again."

"I'm going to kill him."


"Please be okay, (Y/N)."

The last sentence seemed clearer to you than all of the others. The voice seemed to be coming from right beside you. It sounded like it has been muttered with barely suppressed tears. Stringing your memories together once more you desperately try to figure out who the voice belongs to.

Smooth voice. Shy smile. Icy blue eyes. Platinum blonde hair. Elsa.

With this realization, you return to the world of the living. Your eyes suddenly opened wide but you still failed to make out anything but shapes or forms. Your heart was beating at the speed of light and threatened to jump out of your chest.

You felt something holding you down. It was encasing your legs and you tried to get rid of what it was for dear life. You fell from a ledge, continuing to fight whatever was trapping you. You barely noticed the pain as you fully concentrated on kicking the captor holding you down. You started hyperventilating.

Fully imprisoned by your terror you didn't even notice the pair of hands landing on your shoulders or the words fiercely trying to bring you out of your panic. What you didn't fail to notice however were the thundering footsteps approaching you, instead of calming you down they only enhanced your fears. There is more than one person trying to hurt you.

There is someone holding your head now and they won't allow you to move it anymore. Your vision finally seems to clear up a little and you noticed pale skin and terrified wide-opened eyes.

Elsa. Elsa. "Elsa." You didn't even notice yourself muttering these words but you certainly felt your throat instantly chocking up from the dryness. After overcoming the discomfort you look into Elsa's eyes once more. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she was shaking like a leaf.

Still holding onto your head she said in a questioning tone. "(Y/N)?" At this point, you realized you were shaking even more than Elsa was. Her hands slide down to your shoulders expertly avoiding your injuries.

"You're okay, sweetie. You're safe. We're at my home and nobody is going to hurt you here. I promise." She was looking at you with so much determination that you instantly believed every word she was saying. 

You calmed your breathing and for the first time actually looked around the room. It was painted blue and tall bookcases stood against the walls. You were lying on the floor next to a bed which you must've fallen out of. You were wearing a loose shirt to keep anything from scraping against your cuts. It seemed pointless now since your back is probably bleeding again after the fall you took.

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