10 - Hope

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WARNING: Rape/non-con in this chapter. If you're uncomfortable or in any way affected by this topic, you should definitely skip to after the first divider.


"It's our only hope, (Y/N)." Your dad said without looking at you.

"How can you even s-suggest that?" You mutter petrified, tears streaming down your face.

"We talked to the doctor. This is the last option he sees. Your mother thinks it's for the best too."

"Please! Please! Please! I'm begging you! Please!" Black spots were obscuring your vision and there was no limp of you that wasn't shaking terribly.

"After this, you'll be sent to a special place for you to fully heal."

"There has to be a-another way! Oh god no. Please tell me this is a dream. A t-teribble, h-horrible nightmare!"

"(Y/N), I don't want to do this either. If you wouldn't have done this we wouldn't even be here."

"I didn't do anything! I s-stopped before anything happened!"

Your father only shook his head and took off his belt. At this point, you wished he'd beat you with it instead. What was going to happen now was so, so much worse.

"I'M BEGGING YOU!" You roared from the bottom of your heart, barely holding onto your sanity. 

Instead of answering your father continued to open his pants. You slid down the wall you were leaning against, your legs unable to carry the weight resting on your shoulders. Instead of looking at your father, you stare at the opposite wall. Trying not to think about what was going to happen. Waiting. With empty eyes.

As your father approached you it got harder and harder to not focus on the situation. Your mind started wandered instead. You shouldn't have come here. You should've stayed with Elsa. You've been blinded by your parents' words. You shouldn't have trusted them. Now you're serving the sentence for your decision.

Momentarily interrupting your concentration you suddenly feel something between your legs. 

Instead of focusing on it, you think about Elsa again. Her hair, her smile, her face, her laugh, her lips. She even gave you her number. That's it! You could call her. She'd definitely help you. Now you just need an opportunity to call her. 

You look around the room for your phone. Temporarily forgetting the situation you were in. As you realized what was happening to you. You instantly freaked out. You could only make out shapes and forms and pain. You collapsed to the side, your arms unable to handle your violent shaking. You hit your head on the sideboard of your bed and instantly the world faded to black.


As you wake up there is one thing that instantly forces you to let out a groan. It's a splitting headache. Again. The rest of your body isn't doing much better. It hurts all over, you can't even pinpoint where the worst pain is originating.

Opening your eyes carefully and slowly you notice a rumbling noise and the unmistakable feeling of a vibrating floor. It's fully dark and you're occasionally being thrown left and right. You're in the back of a truck. 

"Oh no." You mumble to yourself and attempt to get up. It's not very easy. With your body aching so badly and the shaking of the truck, you need a minute to struggle to your feet. Eventually, you manage to reach the back of the truck, or at least you think it is, you can't really tell because it's too dark.

Fumbling around and looking for any way to open the door you cut your hand a little but eventually find what seems to be a lever. You pull it and light floods into the truck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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