7 - House Party

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WARNING: The reader is abused by her parents in this chapter if you're affected by this topic you should probably skip this chapter.


"Kai! Gerda! We're hooooome." Anna shouted as we all walked into the big house belonging to the Arendelle sisters. As we came to a halt in the entrance hall a man followed by a woman came bustling in.

The sisters' house looked expensive from the outside and even more so once we stepped inside. Whoever furnished the rooms must have known what they were doing. The walls were aligned by weird, old paintings showing ancient people looking like they've been dead for a very, very long time. You're pretty sure on one of these you saw a reindeer. You silently wondered what Elsa's parents do for a living to afford all of this.

"Have you found her?" the plump woman asked worriedly, referring to you. Does everyone suddenly know about you? It seems like you're the talk of the town.

"She's here." Anna points to you and continues. "(Y/N)? This is Gerda and this over there is Kai. They've been taking care of us since we were little." You suddenly wondered for the first time in forever where the girls' parents are.

"It's nice to meet you." You answer politely. You suddenly grow self-conscious of Elsa still holding onto your hand. You try to loosen the grip on her hand but she holds on tighter, signalling you to not let go. You squeeze her hand back and you feel your cheeks flush scarlet red.

"The pleasure is all ours, little one. Are you hungry, children? I'm sure I could prepare you something really quickly." At the mention of food your stomach clenches suddenly and you grow eerie aware of the fact that you haven't eaten since this morning. 

"Actually that would be nice, Gerda. Additionally to that, we're going to host a little sleepover to thank everyone for looking for (Y/N). Do we have a few snacks? Oh! I know we should definitely..." Anna leaves the room together with Gerda and Kai. Kristoff is trailing behind them looking like a lost puppy. This leaves you alone with Elsa.

Elsa shakes her head at her sister's behaviour and chuckles quietly. She turns her head to look at you and your eyes meet once more. You shiver at the look she is giving you but can't quite decipher the feelings behind it. "Come on. Since this is your first time in our house, I should give you a little tour."

As she leads you through many more long halls, she continues talking. "The others are coming over soon. I think they're just getting some of their stuff to sleep here. You can borrow some pyjamas from me if you want. Before they arrive we have to get some food into you, though." She continues speaking in the same manner and showing you all the rooms until Gerda calls for you to eat a late dinner. 

Being with Elsa and the others completely takes your mind off of all the problems you've had before. As you dive into the food Gerda prepared, everyone, jokes around and shares stories of their childhood, friends and school. You can't remember the last time you've laughed so much.


You're sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen. You didn't bother to turn on the lights. You didn't feel like joining the party at the moment and instead glance out of the kitchen window melodramatically. You look at the stars and think about everything that happened in the last few days. Not even a week. This was the most entertaining, terrifying and interesting time of your short life. Living in Arendelle seems like an adventure and it doesn't seem to end anytime soon.

As you reminisce about your thoughts and feelings you notice lights in the distance. Intrigued you lean closer to the window and your heart skips several beats as you realize them to be police lights. They're coming closer to the house. Remembering your fathers earlier warning you scramble for a plan. 

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