4 - Wake-up call

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You heard an annoying beeping sound to your left. You swat your hand to your right in hopes of hitting your alarm. Today must be your first day in Highschool and you should probably open your eyes and get ready.

You had the weirdest dream and you think it involved you getting beat up with a bat.

You tried lifting your left arm instead to shut off the alarm but you suddenly felt immense pain shooting all the way up to your shoulder.

You let loose a whimper alerting the group of people next to you. Collective gasps resounded in the room. Sitting in chairs next to you were two girls and a boy. One of the girls a beautiful looking blonde with blue eyes in the shade of ice immediately got up and walked towards you.

At this point, you're more than confused about the situation. You don't remember these people and you don't remember how you got here. Where is here anyway? You seem to be in a hospital room. The room is empty except for you and the group. Looking out of the window it seems like it's late afternoon.

You get pulled out of your musings by the blonde girl reaching your bed. She smiles at you but also has a questioning look on her face. She seems really concerned.

"(Y/N)?" she asks and takes your hand in between hers.  You don't understand why she is touching you. As far as you know you've never seen this girl. 

"Are you alright? How's your head?" she continues to ask you questions running her thumb over your hand.

Upon hearing the question you feel a sharp sting on your right temple. You hadn't even noticed your head was hurting so badly. You let out a gasp at feeling the pain. You lift your uninjured arm up to press against your head. A familiar ringing noise in the background feels deafening to your ears.

"(Y/N)? What is it? Please say something." the blonde's voice sounded awfully loud and you closed your eyes tightly at the further growing headache. 

The ringing noise gets even louder.

"Kristoff, go get a doctor, please!" You heard footsteps hurriedly leaving the room, but you didn't dare open your eyes. Afraid of the headache that comes with the light hitting your eyes.

Additionally to the ringing you hear a whimpering sound.

"Don't worry, sweetie. Kristoff is getting a doctor, ok? You're going to be alright. Shhh." Someone starts to stroke your hair and you're pretty sure it's the blonde girl next to you. You feel your cheeks getting wet but you don't understand why.

"Please don't cry, sweetheart. Everything is going to be ok. I've got you. Just relax." 

Acting against your fears you open your eyes to look at the girl. She looks at you concerned and her eyes seem to be wet. She continues stroking your head and looks at you with so much love it makes your heart clench and you forget about your pain for a second.

A doctor comes walking into the room and you turn your head into the direction of his footsteps. He looks at a clipboard at the foot of your bed and after reading it for a while he walks up to you. The whole time the blonde kept stroking your hair and whispering encouraging words into your ear.  The doctor presses buttons on a machine to your right and it lessens the pain in your head which causes you to let out a breath of relief.

"Miss (L/N), it seems you've taken quite a hit against your head. Can you recall what led to your injury?" he asked.

"Ehm, I only remember going to bed last night. Today was supposed to be my first day of Highschool."

The blonde's hand tightened the grip on your hand and you looked up to her concerned eyes. She smiles at you reassuringly but it doesn't seem to be a reach her eyes.

"You already attended Highschool, Miss (L/N). That was Monday and today it's Thursday. You received a serious head injury because you got hit with a baseball bat on your right temple and on your left arm. Your arm is broken and you've been unconscious for roughly 70 hours which is rather unusual. I already informed your parents about your situation and you have to stay at the hospital for another night at least to make sure your condition doesn't worsen again."

"Oh okay. Ehm, where are my parents?"

The redhaired girl sitting in a chair answered "They're having something to eat in the Cafeteria. They'll be back soon." You nod to thank her.

"Do you have any more questions, Miss (L/N)?" After shaking my head the doctor says his goodbyes and leaves the room.

You turn your head to the other three people in the room. You don't recognize any of them. An awkward silence fills the room.

The boy sitting on a chair clears his throat to break the tension in the room and says "So, I guess you don't know who we are."

"Nooooo?" you say with an awkward chuckle and look at them hesitantly.

"Well then. I'm Kristoff Bjorgman. This is Anna Arendelle, my girlfriend. And this is Elsa Arendelle her sister."

You look at each of them individually and your gaze lands on the blonde girl named Elsa. She seems familiar to you and her name definitely rings a bell. You suddenly start to remember her. You've met her before on the school parking lot and she held your hand on your way into the building. And later when you got beat up she held your head safely in her lap. You remember her crying and concerned face and your belly warms up at the thought.

Kristoff interrupts your thoughts by saying "You met us on Monday. You intervened when I nearly got beat up by a bunch of bullies. Their leader, Hans, later stormed into your classroom and beat you up really bad. But I wasn't there maybe Elsa could explain it better."

The blonde looked at you and continued the story. "We just walked into the classroom when he came in with a baseball bat looking really furious. I didn't even realize what was happening until he hit you with it. You tried to defend yourself but he just kept on hitting you. He broke your arm and your head was bleeding so badly. I was so scared and you already looked like you were losing consciousness."

At this point, tears rolled down her cheeks. She held onto your hand more tightly but kept on explaining "The other boys in our class came to intervene and Aladdin was actually the first one to get to him even though he's really shy. He distracted him and Flynn hit him, knocking him out. And that point you were already laying there and I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't move. Punzie called an ambulance and you even woke up for a moment but then you just went limp again and - Oh, (Y/N)! I was so scared! I thought you might die! There was so much blood!"

She started sobbing really badly and you held her close to you to calm her down. You were touched by her concern towards you. You couldn't help but notice that she looked very pretty even though her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Anna continued telling the story since Elsa was unable to do so at the moment. You just started stroking her hair to calm her down. You didn't like seeing her upset.

"The whole school knows about this by now and everyone was really concerned for you. The problem is however that the Principal is no one else than Hans' father. He didn't even get expelled. He got a warning and I think some detention but that's only for show if you ask me."

Kristoff continued explaining "That being said he is angry at you for getting away. He didn't expect anyone to stop you and honestly I think he would have killed you if he could."

Elsa whimpered into your neck at hearing Kristoff say something like that. You kissed her head to calm her down more. At this, she stills again with a sigh and you smile at your effect on her.

Kristoff continues with a smile "You really need to watch out (Y/N). Hans has like 12 or so brothers. Most of them are already in college but some are still in High School. They will definitely help him with beating you to a pulp if it comes to it."

"Damn. High School just got real, huh?"

Anna chuckled and declared "Don't worry (Y/N). We'll all have your back. All our friends are on your side. We'll help you out anytime."

You just hoped that was enough. The High-school preparation blog never mentioned anything like this.

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