5 - Day of surprises

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After staying the night in the hospital you were finally allowed to go home. Your parents arrived in the morning to pick you up. They haven't talked to you much since you've woken up. It feels like they're avoiding you on purpose. 

You sat in the back of your dad's car. Your dad is driving with a frown on his face. Your mother was looking down at her phone, her mouth formed into a thin line. You felt like you were in trouble. It's not like you wanted to get beat up! Why were they giving you the cold shoulder?

The awkward silence in the car was deafening. You chose to address the elephant in the car and spoke up. "Mom? Dad? Is something the matter?"

Your mother looked at you through the rear mirror of the car. She chose to stay silent which didn't fit her at all. Usually, she was the first to address an issue and speak her mind. Your dad, on the other hand, didn't keep quiet. 

"Yes, (Y/N). Something is the matter. We send you to Highschool once. After you begged us for years to go and on your very first day you don't get into one fight. No, you're (Y/N)! You get into two!"

You sat there, stunned. Usually, your dad isn't one to get mad, that's your mom's job. It seemed unfair to blame you on the second fight. After all you were the one being attacked. You didn't know what to answer to that but that didn't matter because your dad continued ranting anyway.

"And what for? Protecting these kids that came to see you, right? I can't believe you'd be so reckless, (Y/N)! Your mother and I had a conversation and we'll take you out of school right away. You'll get homeschooled again. It worked perfectly all these years and something that isn't broken doesn't need to be fixed."

You couldn't believe your dad's words he knew how important it was to you to go to school. You wanted to feel like a normal teenager and not like some weird social outcast. Tears started to form in your eyes but they weren't tears of sadness. Rage started to boil up inside of you.

"No! I won't let you do that! I want to go to school so badly! I finally found friends that won't go away after a month or so! I really like them! And I liked classes too."

"You like your friends, do you? I saw the way that blonde girl was looking at you. She certainly doesn't have your best interests in mind. If you ask me that girl is a lesbian and I don't want you to associate with these people. So get her and the others out of your head"

Now you're back to being stunned into silence. Your dad is homophobic? How did you not notice that? You didn't even notice whether or not Elsa is a lesbian. You didn't care about something like that anyway. You knew you aren't gay yourself but it's no problem for you if others are.

You didn't answer your father but instead looked at your mom. Her eyes were downcast and she didn't utter a word. You felt incredibly uncomfortable in the car and just wanted to leave. It was a day of surprises for you because you chose to do something stupid.

As soon as your dad stopped at a red light you made a dash for it. You opened your car door and ran as fast as you could in the direction of a river. Your arm hurt from moving it but you bit through the pain. You heard your dad shout for you to stop but you didn't. You wanted to clear your head and you already regretted running like that but you couldn't help yourself. It felt like the right thing to do. 

You mother shouted something too but you couldn't understand a word and just kept running. You made sure they weren't following you. After running for quite some time you slowed down. You were out of breath and found yourself at the side of a river. Your thoughts were still running a marathon in your head. Your feelings ranged from anger to guilt to fear to sadness.

Looking around you tried to catch your breath. You and your family just moved here this month and you weren't familiar with the area. There weren't any people around and you just walked further along the river. Trees and bushes adorned the riverside and you heard birds chirping. It felt like the perfect day. The sun warmed your skin and you felt your thought slowing down. 

It was time to form an attack plan. It was still before lunch the others are probably in school. You didn't know anyone else in this town and you didn't want to see your parents just yet.

Seems like the perfect time to get familiar with Arendelle, the town you now lived in. It seemed like you were near the outskirts of the city. There were a lot of trees and hills. You chose to walk up one of them to get a look over the city. 

As you approached the top of the hill your head started hurting again. You remembered the doctor saying something about taking medicine every hour or so until the pain subsides. You didn't exactly take your pills with you before running but it's probably going to be alright anyway.

Arriving at the top you took a seat on the roots of a tree. You're exhausted from your run and hike and after being hit you've been more tired in general. 

You're able to overlook the town now and you saw plenty of houses in the distance. Down near the water stood Arendelle castle bathed in sunlight. You heard of it before. It's a museum now but hundreds of years ago it was the residency of Arendelle's monarchy. Further to the left, you saw a tall tower. You wondered what that was, you've never heard of it before. Between the houses was your school building.

Will you still attend that school after everything that happened? Are you ever going to see your friends again? Are you ever going to see Elsa again? If your dad forbids you to see them you'd just have to make sure he doesn't know about it. 

Elsa could possibly become your best friend. You always felt warm being close to her. Touching her seemed like second nature. You missed her already even though you only saw her yesterday. The others were also on your mind. They were always so nice to you and you wanted to hang out with them as all normal teenagers do.

For now, you had to wait until their lessons have ended. You wanted to rest your eyes for a moment and explore Arendelle further once you've rested a little.

The warm breeze caressed your hair and the sun warmed you up nicely. You suddenly felt more tired every second. The birds were chirping peacefully and your comfortable seat under the tree caused you to fall asleep against your will.


You awoke with a start. Where are you? Everything came back to you in a matter of seconds. You got beat up by Hans. Your parents hate you. You ran away and slept under a tree. 

You fell asleep in the late morning and now it was dark outside. You start to shiver. It has gotten much colder now that the sun has set. You looked around once more and tried to get up. Attempting to steady yourself on your broken arm you let out a small gasp of pain. You completely forgot about that. 

The nap you took also failed to stifle the headache from earlier and it now came back severely. You moved to take your phone out but remembered your mother still had it after your stay in the hospital.

Realising what kind of a situation you're in you started to panic. You didn't know anything about Arendelle. Your parents are probably already worried about you. You didn't want to worry them like this. Your intention was to just clear your head for a while.

Making your way down the hill you continued to shiver. You knew your house was a five-minute drive from the school so you thought to start looking there. You walked into the general direction of the school you saw from atop the hill. You walked past the river you saw earlier that day. Further along your way, there were a few houses and a mall to the left. There were several people out and you got a few funny looks for your cast and your short clothes.

Your head started hurting in earnest now and you panicked even more. Remembering that you've already gotten through a few dangerous situations before helped you now. You aren't going to give up like this and give in to the panic. Motivated by your thoughts you took a deep breath and continued walking.

After walking for a whole hour you had to realise your plan wasn't as solid as you'd hoped. You continued walking through endless living areas. The people you've seen before aren't around anymore and even though you wanted to you couldn't ask anyone about directions.

It's in the middle of the night now and if you had to guess it was probably around ten. You sat down on a bench and held your head in your hands. How have you gotten into this stupid situation? You really didn't plan it out this time. You hoped your parents were looking for you. Walking further won't get you anywhere so you chose to just wait for a while. Maybe today would be a day of surprises and your prince charming would come and save you.

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