6 - Found someone

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As you sat there alone on a bench in the middle of the night you started to get emotional. Your head hurt like crazy. Any hope of finding your house or at least the school is gone. You probably have to spend the night on a bench because you're already getting sleepy again.

The reality of the situation came to you and the danger you're in. Tears formed in your eyes. You're mad at your parents for making everything worse. You're mad at yourself for running. You're mad at Hans for getting away with hitting you. 

But more than anything you're upset because you're alone. You're upset because anyone could come and take advantage of you now. You can't even defend yourself with your broken arm. You're upset because your head hurts. You're upset because you're hungry. You're upset because you're cold.

The more upset you get the more your head hurts. Black spots start appearing in your vision. You get up from the bench startled by the now familiar ringing coming back. The sudden movement makes everything much worse. You feel yourself becoming light-headed. 

Just as you think you're going to fall unconscious a car drives by you. It stops suddenly and two people get out. A boy and a girl approach you but you can't make out their features. You sink to your knees clutching your head. As you look up you see the girl kneeling before you and trying to speak to you. The boy is talking to someone on the phone. 

The longer you stand still the better your headache seems to get. The ringing sound slowly recedes. You can finally make out the worried words directed at you by the blonde girl. 

"It's going to be alright. Don't worry. Flynn is calling Elsa and the others. You're going to be fine. Are you cold? Here, darling." She arranges her jacket to cover you up and you start to feel warm again. She holds onto your shoulders to steady you.

"Elsa?" you ask. 

"Yes, she'll be here soon. Don't worry, dear." 

This calmed you down immediately. Apparently these were friends of Elsa's. This means you can trust them. The boy's name seems to be Flynn but you don't know the girl's name.

"I'm (Y/N). Who are you?" you ask slowly. Your head still hurt and you were quite overwhelmed with everything.

"I know who you are, sweetie. I'm Rapunzel but all my friends call me Punzie or Raps. You had everyone really worried, you know? Apparently you've been missing since this morning. Elsa is in literal tears and your parents already called the police." She took your hand into hers and she stroked your knuckles to calm you down.

"The police? Oh no, I'm in trouble."

This time the boy previously talking on his phone answered. "Don't worry about that now. We're just glad you're alright. My name is Flynn by the way." 

"Nice to meet you. You're friends of Elsa's? I think she mentioned you before."

"I was the one who knocked out Hans. I'm really strong, by the way. And handsome. And smart. And-"

"Eugeeene" Punzie interrupts him. 

"Wait, Eugene?" you wonder out loud.

"Oh yeah that's his actual name but he insists everyone calls him Flynn instead. I think Eugene sounds beautiful tho." Her voice lost its volume towards the end and she just muttered the last words. You heard them quite clearly, however. It seems she has a small crush on Eugene. You were happy for her they seemed to fit together.

Finishing your thoughts a car approached you driving really fast. Before it could completely stop two doors were ripped open. An anxious-looking Elsa and a relieved Anna came running out of the car. You got up to greet the approaching girls.

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