8 - Another Monday morning

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WARNING: serious injury, other than that enjoy!


As Monday morning arrived your alarm sparked to live. Looking around the room you realize with barely awake eyes you're lying on the floor. You must have fallen unconscious at some point yesterday and your dad just left you on the floor. Getting up from the floor you stretch yourself. It hurt like hell to stretch your skin.

You spent your whole weekend at home with your parents. Your father repeated the Therapy sessions twice since Friday and your back more closely resembled a cutting board at this point. Your parents have talked several times with the health professional over the course of the weekend. They're set on trying to help you with your abnormality.

They also claimed it is necessary for your healing process to feel normality and routine. That's why they now allowed you to go to school again. That felt like a huge relief to you. At least they can't do anything to you when you're there.

Your parents never gave you your pills which meant your headache was close to unbearable at this point. Everything about you hurt like hell. After getting dressed you go to the bathroom and look at yourself for the first time since Friday.

You looked only a little like the wreck you were. Your hair was even more tousled than usual, and any amount of brushing didn't help your case. Your clothes looked too large on you. You chose a baggy shirt to avoid anything rubbing on your shoulders and back. It still looked silly.

Looking at yourself more closely you noticed no bruises or cuts littering your face. Your father probably wants to avoid being noticed. Next to your collarbone however the first cuts and bruises became visible. The belt oftentimes swung around your shoulders resulting in these injuries. You grab your shirt and drag it higher to hide the proof.

Looking into your eyes they seem emptier than they did on Friday. Your gaze more strongly represents those coming back from war. After staring into your own eyes for a few more minutes you go downstairs to eat breakfast.

After you're done you pick up your backpack and flung it over your back and nearly cry out from the pain. You forgot once again that you can't have anything touching your back without pain. Even the shirt you were wearing brought pain with every movement as it tugged on the only slightly healed wounds.

You didn't want to be brought to school by your father for obvious reasons and instead take your bike. Your backpack dangerously tangling on the handlebar you arrive at the school building.

As you park your bike you look around to ensure that no one you know is there. You're scared of meeting Elsa again. You don't even know what your parents would do if they knew you saw her again, which meant the goal of the day was to avoid Elsa at all costs.

Instead of using the main entrance and being potentially spotted by her, you try to sneak into the back entrance. As you pass the parking lot you notice Hans and his bully friends leaning on the hood of the red car once more.

You walk as nonchalantly as possible to avoid being pulled into a new conflict. The lucky stars are not on your side today because as soon as Hans sees you, he pushes himself off his car and walks towards you, smirking. His friends are following closely behind you.

Your very first thoughts were that you can't take a beating from them right now. It would hurt too much in combination with your fathers' earlier assault. The only logical reaction in your mind is to run. So, running you do. As fast as you can. Which is not very fast considering the backpack in your hand and your already painful injuries. You're already out of breath and have barely left the parking lot. In retrospect, it seems like running wasn't your best idea ever.

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