S1-Episode 10

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Ryan: She chases some women outside dressed as a monster.

Jeremy: he laughs as he watches her from the porch. "This kid.."

Ryan: "Rawwwwwr!" She yells as the women run away.

One of the women: "Aren't you going to get this thing?!"

Jeremy: he shrugged. "Maybe next time you want to make fun of a "girl" playing with "boy" toys try to remember that sometimes the kids bite back" he winks at Ryan.

Ryan: "Yeah!" She sticks her tongue out at them. "Meanie faces!" She walks away proud.

Jeremy: "You did good kid. You did good."

Ryan: She smiles. "I know!" She walks inside happy.

The women: They growl as they glare at Ryan and Jeremy. "Some people just need to have their kids taken away!"

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