Chapter Twenty Nine

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"French? Really?" I had never tried proper French food before and I was fairly positive Harry hadn't either. We stood in front of Casa Ala Toi, a seemly normal French restaurant. 

"Come on." He pulled my hand and dragged me inside. "Reservation for Styles." He told the hostess.

Inside, the restaurant was packed. That must mean it's good food which is a plus. The hostess led us to a booth against a wall and we sat facing each other. 

"I'll be back with your menus in a minute." She had a really thick French accent and I had a spot of trouble understanding it. 

"So the idea is to find the meal with the fanciest name on the menu and order that. We'll go three rounds, entree, main and desert but you can't pick anything you've tried before. Got it?"  

"Alright. What about cost though?" I asked. I did not want him to pay for such an expensive meal, well assuming everything here was ridiculously overpriced. 

"Don't worry your pretty little head. I've got it covered." He grinned. 

"Here are your menus and someone will be here to serve you in a few minutes." The hostess, whose badge read Linda, explained. When she had walked away, Harry and I opened our menus. 

"Annnd go!" He whisper shouted. I skimmed over everything in the menus before focusing on the entrees.

Three courses later, I sat in the booth, poking my spoon through my creme brulea, which was as nice as I expected. 

"I am so full I may never eat again." I groaned.  

"But it was so good." He groaned back. "I had no idea escargot tasted that good!" 

"Um, ew. I still can't believe you ate those snails." I giggled. I had no idea how he did it. I tried one and immediately spat it out into a napkin. It was disgusting, don't ever eat a snail. 

"Hey, you ate fish eggs." 

"But they were nice." I explained. Even he liked them.

After he had payed the bill we both walked to his car hand in hand. From where we were standing, you could see the whole moon, in all of its fullness. It was truly beautiful. He opened the passenger side door for me and I hopped in after placing a quick kiss on his cheek. He shut the door after me and climbed in his side.  

"Thank you."  

"For what?" He asked, frowning out of curiosity. 

"Everything." I rested my head on the head rest above my seat and turned my head to face him. He looked at me in the corner of his eye and smiled. 

"You're beautiful, you know?" 

"I love you Harry." 

"I love you too."


"How was your doctor appointment?" Maddie asked over the phone.  

"They upped my medication." I whispered. Sandy thought I was asleep but I just couldnt bring myself to close my eyes and fall into a darkness that only stopped once my body and brain thought fitting and I did not trust my body nor my brain. 

"That bad?" 

"Even worse." I sighed. "I have to see a psychologist twice a week as well."  

"How do you feel now?" She asked, sounding like the psychologist I had to see twice a week. 



"Scared as fuck. It's so hard to ignore them Maddie. I don't know how much longer I can." I broke down on the phone. "I can't do it Maddie."  

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