Chapter Thirty Four

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My body went numb. It took a while to sink in what she was actually saying but before it even did I had the keys in the ignition and my foot on the accelerator. The only thing I worried about was getting there in time to save her. I had to. I would hate myself if I didn't. Thoughts were racing through my head at a million miles an hour. Why didn't she tell me? Why did she think I wouldn't understand? If she had just told me I could've helped her and she wouldn't be doing this. Why didn't I figure it out for myself? Why did I not realise something was up? Did that make me a horrible boyfriend for not realising? Why didn't I see this? Why did she never tell me?? I pulled into her drive way and hit the brakes. I unbuckled my seat belt, jumped out my door, slammed it closed and raced to her front door. I frantically searched for the hidden key which was usually under the rock beside the door. It wasn't there. I started panicking. I needed to get inside, I had to save her. This was precious time I was losing looking for the stupid key. I tried the door but it was locked. I searched everywhere looking for the key and found it under the welcome mat. As I raced inside the only thing I could think was oh god, what if she isn't here. What if I'm too late? I raced to her bedroom first. I found her lying on the tiles in a singlet and shorts on the en suit bathroom floor.  

"Ari!" I shouted and race over to her. I sat on the ground next to her and held her in my arms. 

"Ari, ohmygod." I said with tears streaked down my cheeks. 

"Harry, I-I'm scared. I'm scared Harry." She choked.  

"Shhh, you have nothing to be scared about, you'll be fine. You're gonna make it through this." I whipped out my phone and immediately dialled 999. A lady that sounded not very old answered on the second ring. 

"999, what's your emergency?" She asked. 

"My girlfriend has attempted suicide and I need an ambulance immediately." I said sounding distressed. I looked down at Ari and she was getting even paler. She was slowly slipping from me and there was nothing I could do to stop it or even slow it down. I gently stroked her hair as I gave the lady on the phone the address.  

"Someone will be there as soon as possible." She spoke swiftly. 

"Please hurry." I pleaded into the phone just before disconnecting the call. I stared back down at Ari who was ghostly white.  

"I'm so sorry. I love you, Harry." Her eyes started slowly closing. It looked like she was just drifting to sleep but I knew better than to think that. I knew this was it. This was the last time I would ever hold Ari in my arms again. The last time I would look into those green eyes that matched mine so well. The last time I would ever feel her touch or her soft breath. I stared down into her eyes and held her tighter than I ever had before.  

"Please don't go." I whispered down to her. I knew she couldn't hear me but part of me still thought her eyes would fling open. "Ari." I choked on the knot that continued growing in the back of my throat. "I'm sorry, Ari. I love you." I pulled back a whisp of her away from her face and placed a kiss that was like a whisper on her cheek. "I'll miss you, gorgeous." The sirens slowly got closer and closer until they screeched at a deafening level. I could hear the paramedics rushing through the door, but they were too late. They came into the bathroom, took her out if my arms and started doing CPR. Should I have done that? Would it have saved her?

I was asked by one of the paramedics to sit in the living room and I followed not wanting them to waste anytime on me. A frantic Sandra came running in screaming for her Niece who had been like a daughter and fell in a crumpled heap when the paramedics delivered the news that there was nothing they could do. They had tried the defibrillator but it hadn't worked. I wanted to comfort her but I couldnt move. Every bone in my body ached and my mind was in shock.

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