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After reciting these words, her glow was gone and she looked like any other normal mortal girl. I would have actually cracked up because Scarlett wasn't even allowing me to listen, as soon as her eyes turned green, Scarlett said she is possessed and an exorcism must be performed. "Do we have any God or a person who is an expert in exorcism" and I hushed her. But when Rachel began the prophecy

You would find what's lost

"Umm, Oly are we supposed to note it down, she seems to be conveying something to us"

Where the sky meets the earth

" Oly...Oly...She has given us directions note it down, why are you staring at me. Check if google maps can find that place. I haven't heard of something like that at all." "Wait, where are our phones?"

A traitor and a saviour

"Wow... this is like a riddle, are we supposed to guess the correct answer. Why are you hushing me up? This young lady is telling something and you aren't even respecting that."

Resides amidst you

"Bogus... how can you reveal that. Now the trust in our group will be gone. Wait...what was she talking about again??"

A wee mistake leads the history to repeat itself.

"Oly...did you note it down. I didn't memorise a thing. It is so quick, all I can remember, are fragments of words running around. This is the exact same way I feel when our chemistry teacher has just mentioned all the formulae in one day. Will she repeat it for us again??"

And then... I just burst into a roar of laughter. All the resentment, sadness, hatred just blew away... it's always this idiot who can lift my spirits with such random talks.

But soon, Percy was hell shocked. He looked at us, signalling this isn't a good omen. I could pretty much see Annabeth galloping towards us. She looked sober and stern like she knew what had just taken place.

"What just happened?" The sound steered to be coming from the darkest pits of her in such force that it sent shrills right under my nerves. The corner of my eyes caught a glimpse of Scarlett and how pale her entire complexion has turned. She looked petrified.

"Rachel gave out a prophecy." I started. Since everyone remained shut but she just ignored me and turned towards Percy, waved her hands right in front of him and questioned...

"I asked you What happened and when I ask you, I want you to reply and not something present around. Is my word clear?" She's pretty pissed off about my presence and made me feel like I want to run away and hide under a carpet it seriously hurt. I didn't expect Annabeth to be so rude to me. Maybe if I stop spending time with Percy, we can be friends. But are tone clearly suggested she didn't want me anywhere near her and Percy, clearly she hated me with all her, no not just Heart her entire system.

Percy made a face at her comment and shook his head gesturing her has she lost her mind? When she just kept glaring at him, like her words were written on stone and there's no changing them or taking back.

"The prophecy was you would ...... repeat itself". Percy repeated.

Scarlett who was dumb shut, all along finally let out some words. "Wow, you actually memorised it. Cooool Percy, how did you remember all that. Did you take notes or something?"I just slapped my head. " Scarlet can you get back to your mute mode". Percy chuckled hinting it's alright

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