mama said

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"stop picking your scabs."

"sit straight."

"put this on. it makes you look beautiful."

"act more lady-like."

"put on a smile, even if it hurts."

to live in a world
where a woman is expected to
act perfect,
to act more lady-like,
and to act as if
everything is okay
and under control.
is chaos.

mama said
i should stop picking my scabs,
but she did not tell me
that it was not okay to get
picked on by men.

mama said
that i should sit straight,
but she did not say
that not being straight
would make me ugly in
other people's

mama said
i should put on clothes
to make me look prettier,
but she did not tell me
that men do not care about
what i would wear because
in the end,
it would get stripped off
from my body,
and that is beauty
in the eyes
of men.

mama said
to act more lady-like,
but she did not say that
being more lady-like
makes me look weak
in their eyes.

mama said
to put on a smile
no matter how much it hurts.

and so,

i smiled,
made sure it was
wrapped around tightly,
enough to squeeze
the life out of

and jumped.

yes mama,
i still smiled
through it all,

even though
i was hurting.

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