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C H A P T E R  2


"Fucking shit!" I mumble to myself as I run straight into a bloke on the sidewalk. I continue to run towards the entrance though, not having a minute to spear to apologise.

"Sorry, mate!" I shout, picking up my pace to make it to class in time. I run through the doors, making it inside the lecture hall just by a minute until the clock turns to 8:00. I spot Liam on the fifth row and start walking towards him.

"You made it." Liam jokes cheekily.

"Shut up, the fucking alarm didn't go off," I grumble and place my textbooks on the small table in front of me. "I woke up fifteen minutes ago Li, no time to test my waters right now." I narrow my eyes, looking for my reusable coffee mug.

"Calm your knickers, Styles."

I continue to look for my coffee mug, getting more and more frustrated. I can hear how the teacher has started greeting us good morning and then proceeds to start rambling about unimportant stuff.

"Please, please tell me you got us coffee?" I whisper to Liam and he smiles apologetically to me. I sigh, rubbing my temples. I can already feel my headache starting to form. How am I going to survive this two hour long lecture, without any food in my stomach and no coffee? Good luck Styles.

During the remaining part of the lecture, I am concentrating on something completely different than what I should have my focus on. I think about loads of things, for some reason, I am looking back at my past.

I think of Liam and me, how we possibly put up with each other. I mean we have been friends since preschool. We went to the same schools and we both chose the same university. Straight after high school, Liam and I started to look for apartments together. We didn't want to live in dorms in this whole new city with possible strangers. So we opted for the best solution, living together in a small flat that would be big enough for the two of us.

I think of how new everything was when we came here, we were only 18 and 19 year old boys. We were fresh out of high school, probably having way too big egos for this city. Both Liam and I had and still have, the same dreams and the same vision of the future. It made everything slightly easier, it made those late study nights worth it, it made it easier to take care of your well being when you had your best mate there.

Since forever, I have dreamed of going to university, preferably here in London. It has always been my goal throughout life, to get the chance to experience everything here in London while studying the things I am passionate about. I was just lucky that Liam had the same dreams as me. We were both agreeing that we wouldn't be going off working or trying to wing it in life. We both wanted that stable and secure environment of going to uni. Also, it makes it a whole lot easier for our future now that we get the right education.

Now, we are both 20 and 21. We are in our third year of university and we still are the same old best mates we were back in Cheshire. We are still inseparable, we live together, we cook together, we study together, we go shopping together and sometimes we even sleep together in the same bed.

"What's on your mind, Haz? You okay?" Liam whispers in my ear, concern laced in his voice. He is giving my shoulder a small squeeze. I smile towards him, shaking my head and putting my finger over my lips, reminding Liam that he should be quiet before we get in trouble.

This is why I love Liam so much. He is so caring for everyone. His heart is made out of pure gold that could do no one harm. I don't think I will meet someone else that is like Liam. He is someone extraordinary, he is that one friend that will stick by your side throughout your whole life. I am so grateful that I have someone like Liam Payne.

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