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C H A P T E R  7


"I cannot believe you got the ugliest stuffie Nialler. You had so many different options to choose from, and you chose a fucking giraffe?" The amusement in my voice is clear and it makes Niall blush. 

I've noticed something. Niall has this adorable side of him, where you want to cuddle him and take care of him. That is the time when Niall giggles and blushes, becomes shy and nervous. That part of Niall makes me fall even harder, he got a soft side that he likes to show me without forcing it. 

Then, we have this Niall that can be so cheeky and flirty. I adore that side. Niall can be so cheeky and flirty towards me that it makes me blush, makes me nervous. He's got this manliness radiating from him, not in a disgusting way where he tries to flaunt it to everyone. Rather him just being himself. 

Sometimes, it's shy and blushing Niall. 

Sometimes, it's flirty and Pokie Niall. 

I love both of those sides. 

"No, he's adorable!" Niall squeaks out, shoving me his giraffe he's holding protectively underneath his arm. I shake my head, snatching it away from him.

 I shake my head, snatching it away from him

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"Nialler, I am sorry to break this to you. But this one right here looks ridiculous." I snort out. Niall glares at me, taking his giraffe back. 

"Shut up, he reminds me off you," Niall whispers to himself, something I was not meant to hear.

If possible, it makes me fall even further. This man right here has been the cause of my tears, my smile, my laugh, my nervousness and now my fluttering heart in the same night. 

"What did you say?" I softly question. 

"Nothing," Niall mumbles. 

"Really? Because to me, it sounded like -" 

"Harry! We are going to the pub together with Niall and Louis." Liam interrupts us, slinging his arm around me, ruffling my curls. 

"Are we now?" I tease, taking a glance at Louis who blushes when I meet his eyes. I look over at Niall, seeing him terrified. 

"Louis!" I hear Niall hiss quietly to Louis, lips in a thin line.

"Oh sorry, Niall. We don't want to intrude, we can do it another time." Liam awkwardly says, glancing at Louis. I drop my shoulders, sad that Niall rather not have us come with them. 

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