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C H A P T E R 5


After Louis and I had our chill night, he decided to stay at my apartment for the night, being slightly too drunk to drive.

That explains the situation we are currently in. Louis is chasing me with a spatula. I am running around in my boxers, laughing my arse off.

"Horan, I am going to kill you!" Louis screams making me laugh harder.

"Not if you don't catch me with your short legs, Tommo!" I scream back to him, jumping over the couch and running so I am behind the coffee table.

"You are digging your own grave, mister!"

Finally, Louis seems to have caught up on me. I smile innocently, swaying back and forth to make him more aggravated.

"It's not my fault you ruined the whole batch! How the fuck can you run a coffee shop with freshly baked goods and not make a simple pancake batch!" I laugh, bending over to hold my stomach.

"I can make one!" Louis says defensively. He is holding the spatula in one of his hands high up, while his other hand is resting at his hips.

"You look so gay like that." I tease. 

"I am gay, you idiot!" He screams. I laugh, ducking down when he throws one of the couch cushions at me. 

"Yeah, you are gay and you don't know how to make a pancake batter." I tell my mate. 

"Oh shut up, will ya? I can make one, I just took the wrong amount." 

"Yeah, sure bro. Five eggs and three deciliters of milk?" I snort.

Louis raises his hand that is holding the spatula and I squeal, raising my arms in surrender. 

"Fine, fine. How about I go grocery shopping and pick up some lunch on the way instead?" I ask, hands still mid-air.

"Well yes, that would be better!" Louis claims, shaking the spatula in front of me. 

"Jesus, who would have thought you were the one in charge of the coffee shop." I mumble, hoping Louis didn't hear me. 

He did hear me. I'm hiding in the closet now. 

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 

I park the car, opening the car door. It's not that great weather today, slightly chilly and cloudy.  Such a shame I was hoping for some football with Louis after I'm done here in the grocery store. 

It's Sunday and about one pm. Meaning the store isn't packed with people. 

I take a trolley, taking out my phone to look at the list I wrote with the things I needed. I start to check it off, placing different things in the trolley. 

I was just about to turn into the coffee aisle when I bump straight into a male that has his back to me. I literally ran my trolley into his bum, making him stumble forward while mumbling a small 'Woah'.

"Oh jeez, sorry mate. I'm such a clumsy person, didn't mean to run into you. Are you-" I gasp when the man turns around. 

Harry laughs softly, a bright smile shining towards me. His dimple makes an appearance and he doesn't even look the slightest mad that I almost pushed him over. 

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