Heal Me

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I clenched my teeth as Aida tended to my new wound. I had only been grazed with a bullet so I'd be fine. My blood was boiling with the need to retaliate but I knew I had to be smart cause this Montana nigga always knew where we were. I felt crazy for not taking him seriously when he pulled up on Blessen at my mom's crib.

I felt bad for not dealing with him after Blessen told me all the shit he put her and Onyx through. He was coming closer and closer to home so now something had to be done about this nigga's life. He could shoot at me all day but this pussy ass nigga shot up a kid's birthday party. See how lame that sounds? I told him I was going to get him so I got him. He had better live his life to the fullest cause all his days of breathing were coming to an end.

"How you feeling?" She said as I watched Dani go back and forth between the two rooms that she had Shai and Blu in, constantly checking on them while they slept. She knew they were okay but she was so nervous she needed to do it to occupy her mind.

"I'm good, ma." I said as she wrapped my arm up. "Thank you."

"Do you know who did this?" She asked looking me in my eyes.

"No." I lied flexing my jaw. I hated to lie and I hated to lie to people who could read me. She only nodded her head not pushing the issue. I wasn't going to alarm anyone with who was behind this because Montana's fate is already in my hands.

"Where's Blu?!" A familiar voice called out as Blessen barged in the door and into the kitchen where I was being taken care of. "Banks! Where is my baby?!"

Before I could speak Aida and Dani rushed over to her calming her down as she  frantically cried. I knew she was scared that something may have happened to Blu but I could tell there were other emotions behind that cry. It was obvious that Blessen was dealing with a lot and I hated that I was the cause of most of it. They escorted her to the room where Blu was with Onyx hot on their trails.

My mom rushed over to me and engulfed me in the sweetest hug. I was a grown ass man but I still longed for the affection only my mother could give. I was the hardest nigga ever but behind my mother I was the softest man ever. I loved this woman to death and she loved me the same way.

"Hey ma."

"Hey my baby." She cooed pulling away from me before taking my face into her hands. She always looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing she ever created. "You feeling okay?"

"I'm good. Small things to a giant." I teased as she ran her fingers down the fresh bandage that was placed on my shoulder. I couldn't feel a thing and my adrenaline was pumping.

"Your dad isn't happy."

"Why didn't he come see me?" I asked but I knew the answer as long as he knew that I was okay he wouldn't physically come check up on me. I could hear him in my head, "You're a man. You don't need me to run to you every time life doesn't go your way." He was more concerned with getting the people who did this but that's my blood to shed.

"You know how he is." She said taking up for him as she usually did. My mom always had to deal with the mistakes my dad made as a father. She always had to take up for him and justify his actions. If he messed up she was always there to pick up the pieces so he couldn't even see how wrong he was. If you ask him, he was the best dad I could ask for.

"Mhhm." I shrugged it off. My father's tiring act of tough love was the least of my worries today.

I heard the front door open and close once again and soon Sky was all in my space, examining my body and face.

"Are you okay?" She asked with her eyes wide open. She truly looked concerned but she was overstepping her boundaries once again and after that shit she pulled I didn't need her sympathy.

"I'm good. You can leave now." I said with no emotion present in my voice.

"Leave?" She asked taken aback as if I was acting distant towards her for no reason. I wasn't one hundred percent sure what happened that night but nothing was a coincidence as I slowly try to put bits and pieces together, I believe that I was set up and at this point nobody could tell me otherwise.

"Yeah, that's what he said." My mother smiled sweetly even though she meant nothing nice behind that smile.

"Hey, Mrs. King." She spoke with her head down. She knew that my mother hated the ground she walked on and it was no secret that my mother intimidated her. I've always known Sky to me confident but when my mother was around she was a little girl who was scared to talk to strangers all over again.

"Hey Sky. Bye Sky." She said in one breath as Blessen exited the room with Blu still asleep in her arms. Dani, Aida, and Onyx followed behind her and all stood in awe at the sight of Sky, my mother, and I. To them, we probably looked like a happy family but the tension between the three of us could be cut with a knife.

Blessen looked at me with sad eyes before exiting the house with the rest of the girls behind her while I tried to run after her but my mother pushed me back on to the bar stool that I was sitting on.

"Let her go. Y'all need to talk in private, alone. Too much has gone on today and you both need some rest. I'll set something up for you both to talk because I'm not letting my daughter in law or grand baby go anywhere behind some foolishness." She said looking at Sky when she said the last part. Sky bit her lip and I could tell she wanted to say something but she knew better. "Now get this girl out of here before I go from zero to prison."

"I'll just go." She said sadly.

"I don't believe you had a choice sweetie." My mother said as Sky exited the house. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding onto. "I don't know when you're going to grow up and realize that you don't owe Sky a thing. She just won't let Kairi rest. She holds that baby over you like a bone and you're a damn dog. Mark my words, you'll never know a good thing if you keep holding onto the fact that y'all could have been a family. Can't you see that God gave you Blessen and Blu to feel that void for you?"

"I know, ma."

"No, you don't know shit!" She yelled and I realized she was angry. "If I hear one more thing about Sky fucking up anything I'll come out of retirement and handle her myself. I love you but stop acting like you're fucking blind. You never want to see anything until it hits you square in the face and by then it's too late."

I only nodded not wanting to say anything to displease her. She was right and this wasn't the first time she told me this but in this moment I finally took it all in.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said still replaying her words in my head.
Banks in MM😎
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