1. An Unexpected Run-In

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A/N Hey guys, the intro might be a little long for some people, but just give it time. Hope you enjoy this, it's my first story I've ever written. Have fun xxx

My legs were cramped from being in a crouching position for so long, and my arms were just about ready to drop. But ofcourse, I didn't let them. I had been tailing a certain deer for awhile now, maintaining my crouching stance and my aim on it. And now, it had finally stopped moving to take a drink of water from a small stream, the timing could not have been better. I released my arrow, watching it sail through the air before hiting the deer with a thwak.

I smiled slightly, and got up. The deer wasn't even breathing when I approched it, the shot had been perfect. The arrow head was buried directly in its heart. A quick glance at the sky told me the stars would be coming out soon, I would have to move fast. First things first, I needed a fire. I wandered a couple feet away to grab some sufficiable twigs and moss, before returning to the spot of the carcass.

The fire took but a minute to start, and with that out of the way, I was able to begin skinning my prize. The deer was barely a child, the perfect size for just one elf. When I was done, I tore off a piece of meat, and stuck it through a make-shift skewer, made out of a sharpened branch, and started rotating it over the fire. The smell wafted towards, my nose, and it brought back memories of the meals my Nana used to make.

Thinking of home brought a feeling of nostalgia, which I quickly shook away. No use dwelling on the past when there was a meal sitting in front of me. Just before I took my first bite, I heard a hearty laugh coming from the bushes left of me, and and enthusiastic voice. "Look, a fire!"

In a flash I set my easily-forgotten dinner down, and knocked an arrow, standing up as I did so. "Maybe we can fin-" the source of the talking burst through the thicket and stopped short at the sight of me.

The fear was evident in his eyes, and he started to do the only thing he was capable of-rambling uselessly.

"My name is Sam," the stranger, a Hobbit, said. "And.. uh, please don't shoot me." I sized him up, looking him up and down. He looked safe enough.

"What's your business here Hobbit."

I got a meek smile in response. "Just gathering food, you know. By myself. All alone. No one else here."

"Do you take me for a fool?" I hissed, "What are you really doing."

He frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" A twig behind me cracked, and I spun around.

"For this," I heard a man say, before something thudded on my head, and I sank into darkness.


It must have been a while before I finally regained conciousness, for when I recovered, I could feel the moon's rays on my eyelids.

"Gandalf we have no idea who she is, and she tried to kill Sam back-"

"It would appear our friend here is awake." A second voice interupted the first one.

How did he know? I had made sure not to move to avoid their attention. Oh well, I suppose they knew already now. I sat up slowly, and turned to face my present company.

"Hello stranger." A man leaning against a tree gave me a smirk. I realized he had been the one voicing his concern over me earlier. He had light brown hair, and a short beard to match. "Tell me, what is your name?"

I stayed silent and studied the rest of the party instead. There were four Hobbits in all, including the one called 'Sam'. Two of them looked very similair, they must be related or something. The last one looked distant, as if troubled. Behind them, on a rock, sat an old man, who dressed and seemed to speak like a wizard of sorts, and on the ground next to him, sat another elf. He had long blonde hair, and he was taking great care as to look very interested in the sword his was sharpening in front of him, but I could tell he was paying close attention to our exchange. "She does not trust us," the wizard spoke up, with a sad twinkle in his eye.

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