5. Answers

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   In the morning I was the first to wake up again. No one around me was stirring, and Legolas was no where to be seen. The thought of some archery practice briefly crossed my mind, but I realised it would only wake my companions.

    As I sat cross-legged, last night's decision came back to me. I scanned the area around me again. My eyes lingered on Gandalf, Boromir, and Aragorn, in turn. I needed to know the reason behind this journey. The question had been lingering in the back of my mind for 2 days now, and I was itching for answers.

     After my exchange with Aragorn, I'd say he was my best bet. Ofcourse, he wasn't awake. No one was.

     I frowned. "We really ought to get going," I muttered.

     "I agree, Lady Farryn. Perhaps you can assist me in waking our company?"

        Gandalf had awaken, and was now taking the liberty of adjusting his pointed hat of sorts, which he had removed while resting. His eyes held the ever-present twinkle, and he smiled at me before saying, "I'll get the Hobbits. You wake the others."

      Aragorn was up in no time. His eyes flew open the moment I nudged him. It made me wonder if he had been awake already. Boromir frowned, but was quick nontheless. Gimli was a whole 'nother story. 

      He grumbled and swatted the air as if I was nothing but a pesky fly. "Gimli," I said more urgently. "Wake up."

      The comment earned me a death glare, but I ignored it. He listened, and that's all that mattered.

     We didn't have time for breakfast, so I immediantly set to work collecting my things. Gandalf had barely managed to get two of the hobbits awake by this time. They can be very stubborn when it comes to certain things.

      Legolas had since returned, and no one had commented on his absence. I doubt anyone else had noticed. This seemed like a good time to ask Aragorn my question. When I was done packing, I made my way over to him, stopping only to give the hobbits a quick smile.

    "Aragorn." I said quietly.

     He nodded before turning around. He slid his sword into its halter in one smooth movement, all while maintaining eye contact with me. "Can I help you?"

      "I need to ask you something. Regarding the circumstances of this.." I paused, thinking of an acceptable word, "trip. I know you might not trust me yet but-"

       Aragorn silenced me by holding up a hand. "You're right, we can't completely trust you. Yet. I'm sorry Farryn, but I am not able to answer that question."

        My mind was still processing what he just said. "Oh."

       "Don't take it personally." He offered me a smile. "If anything,  we're protecting you."

      "Oh." Was all I could say again.

He stared at me for awhile, as if making sure I was handling the news fine. To be honest, I was pretty upset. I trusted these people, and it appeared that they didn't feel the same. "We've barely been together for two days now," the smile still hadn't left his face.

How odd is it that one can feel so comfortable in the presence of people they had just met? Aragorn was right, I just needed to give it some time. After all, if I did indeed trust them, then I could believe that they were withholding information from me for the right reasons.

"Yes, I understand." I finally returned his happy gaze, only mine was a bit more forced. Aragorn patted me on the back before walking back to the others, leaving me staring out into the brush.

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