2. Decisions

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Every morning, when I awake, the first thing I do is stretch. I don't open my eyes, or sit up, I just stretch, and soak in the sun. I find it a refreshing way to start off my day. This morning, was no different, I slowly floated back from my dream until I was fully awake, and then stretched out my arms behind my head, just like usual, except, where I usually feel air, I felt a face.

Confused, I jerked back my hand and shot into a sitting position. "I'm so sorry-" I began as I turned around to see the face's owner, Legolas frowning at me from his position on the floor. He held a finger up to his lips and quietly shushed me.

"Try not to wake the others."

No one else had been awakened by my apology, but I decided to not point that out. "Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head. "I don't need sleep. I'm surprised you do."

"I really don't. Sometimes.. I just like the dreams, you know?"

Legolas nodded slowly, and stared into the forest. "Everyone needs an escape sometimes."

We sat in silence for awhile, him staring off into the forest, and me eventually lying down flat on my back again, with my hands under my head and my eyes closed, just listening. When you block out one of your five senses, like your vision, as I am right now, your other 4 senses become slightly more enhanced. Sometimes I like to do that and just listen. To the singing birds, to the flowing streams, to the rustling leaves, to the.. murmuring?

I popped open one eye and looked around camp. On the other side of the remnants of last night's fire, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Boromir were chatting in hushed voices as not to wake Gimli and the Hobbits. Aragorn caught my eye, and beckoned me over.

"We've found ourselves at a crossroads," he pointed to a string of mountains labeled 'The Caradhras' on the map. "We cannot decide on the safest route there, have you any advice?"

I shook my head. "My knowledge of the land extends only to the ends of this forest. I know nothing of what lies outside."

He smiled. "You need not worry of that with us, we know these lands well."

"With you?"

"I was under the impression you were going to remain with us through out our journey?"

Boromir sat up straight and wrinkled his forehead. "To add another to our party might change the fate of this mission. I'm not sure this is a wise decision."

"I see no scenario in which having Farryn in our company could possibly cause any bad that we did not already have coming." Aragorn folded his arms.

Realizing that Aragorn was a lost cause, Boromir turned to Gandalf. "Surely you see my point."

It felt like forever had come and gone before Gandalf answered. "If there was any reason that Farryn should not join us, I'm sure we would have seen a sign by now." He looked straight at me before continuing. "The only evil that could possibly come from her is self doubt. But we would all be lying if we said we didn't have that within us. However, Gentleman," he turned to address the two men, "I believe the real question is whether Farryn herself would like to go."

"You make a compelling case, wizard." Boromir stood up. "I suppose we will have to wait until after the vote to find out."


It wasn't that long until the Hobbits and Gimli were finally shaken awake by Legolas and asked to join us at breakfast, where the rest of us were already eating. As I bit into a peice of bread that had been given to me, I tried to savor the taste for as long as possible. It had been ages since I had had a proper breakfast.

"I'm starved," Merry announced as he plopped down next to me. Atleast I think it was Merry. I was still learning how to tell he and Pippin appart.

"Would you like me to pass you some?" I asked through a mouth full of bread, as I pointed to a bowl on the right of me.

Pippin -I think- laughed, "Oh how lady-like of you!" But he and Merry accepted the food just the same.

"Sorry," I said when I finished swallowing, "I never was really one for great manners. My Nana would always get on my case about it too."

Pippin and Merry reassured me that nothing was wrong, because they too lacked good manners. I wasn't really paying attention though. I was lost in thought at the mention of my Nana. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell Legolas had heard me speak an Elvish term by the way he was staring at me, but I didn't care.

"Ok, now down to business," Aragorn announced, interrupting my train of thought. "All in favor of having Farryn join us on our journey, raise your hand."

Almost everyone raised their hands right away, except for two. Frodo hesitantly raised his a couple seconds later, and Boromir raised a finger somewhat reluctantly soon after Frodo.

When Aragorn finally lowered his, everyone else followed suit. "What do you say Farryn." I looked up to meet his gaze. "Be aware that we cannot guarentee your safety, or that you will return."

I thought of Hamon, Alenia, Chandrelle, and Nana at my old home. I thought of the tall trees and colorful daisies that decorated the forest, my refuge, for as long as I could remember.

And then I thought of the stories of the outside world, the vivid tales of adventure I was told in my youth. The amazing people, the extraordinary places. And when I looked at the faces surrounding me, I realized how much I missed having company around me, and how much I yearned to have friends again.

"I'll go."

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